From: Nicolai Hähnle <>

 src/gallium/drivers/radeonsi/si_shader.c | 207 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 207 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/gallium/drivers/radeonsi/si_shader.c 
index ec5f950..281a4dd 100644
--- a/src/gallium/drivers/radeonsi/si_shader.c
+++ b/src/gallium/drivers/radeonsi/si_shader.c
@@ -33,20 +33,21 @@
 #include "gallivm/lp_bld_arit.h"
 #include "gallivm/lp_bld_flow.h"
 #include "gallivm/lp_bld_misc.h"
 #include "radeon/radeon_elf_util.h"
 #include "util/u_memory.h"
 #include "util/u_string.h"
 #include "tgsi/tgsi_build.h"
 #include "tgsi/tgsi_util.h"
 #include "tgsi/tgsi_dump.h"
+#include "ac_llvm_util.h"
 #include "si_shader_internal.h"
 #include "si_pipe.h"
 #include "sid.h"
 static const char *scratch_rsrc_dword0_symbol =
 static const char *scratch_rsrc_dword1_symbol =
@@ -63,20 +64,23 @@ static void si_init_shader_ctx(struct si_shader_context 
                               struct si_shader *shader,
                               LLVMTargetMachineRef tm);
 static void si_llvm_emit_barrier(const struct lp_build_tgsi_action *action,
                                 struct lp_build_tgsi_context *bld_base,
                                 struct lp_build_emit_data *emit_data);
 static void si_dump_shader_key(unsigned shader, union si_shader_key *key,
                               FILE *f);
+static void si_build_ps_epilog_function(struct si_shader_context *ctx,
+                                       union si_shader_part_key *key);
 /* Ideally pass the sample mask input to the PS epilog as v13, which
  * is its usual location, so that the shader doesn't have to add v_mov.
 /* The VS location of the PrimitiveID input is the same in the epilog,
  * so that the main shader part doesn't have to move it.
@@ -6767,20 +6771,207 @@ static void si_get_ps_epilog_key(struct si_shader 
        struct tgsi_shader_info *info = &shader->selector->info;
        memset(key, 0, sizeof(*key));
        key->ps_epilog.colors_written = info->colors_written;
        key->ps_epilog.writes_z = info->writes_z;
        key->ps_epilog.writes_stencil = info->writes_stencil;
        key->ps_epilog.writes_samplemask = info->writes_samplemask;
        key->ps_epilog.states = shader->;
+ * Given a list of shader part functions, build a wrapper function that
+ * runs them in sequence to form a monolithic shader.
+ */
+static void si_build_wrapper_function(struct si_shader_context *ctx,
+                                     LLVMValueRef *parts,
+                                     unsigned num_parts,
+                                     unsigned main_part)
+       struct gallivm_state *gallivm = &ctx->gallivm;
+       LLVMBuilderRef builder = ctx->gallivm.builder;
+       /* PS epilog has one arg per color component */
+       LLVMTypeRef param_types[48];
+       LLVMValueRef out[48];
+       LLVMTypeRef function_type;
+       unsigned num_params;
+       unsigned num_out_sgpr, num_out;
+       unsigned num_sgprs, num_vgprs;
+       unsigned last_sgpr_param;
+       unsigned gprs;
+       for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_parts; ++i) {
+               LLVMAddFunctionAttr(parts[i], LLVMAlwaysInlineAttribute);
+               LLVMSetLinkage(parts[i], LLVMPrivateLinkage);
+       }
+       /* The parameters of the wrapper function correspond to those of the
+        * first part in terms of SGPRs and VGPRs, but we use the types of the
+        * main part to get the right types. This is relevant for the
+        * dereferenceable attribute on descriptor table pointers.
+        */
+       num_sgprs = 0;
+       num_vgprs = 0;
+       function_type = LLVMGetElementType(LLVMTypeOf(parts[0]));
+       num_params = LLVMCountParamTypes(function_type);
+       for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_params; ++i) {
+               LLVMValueRef param = LLVMGetParam(parts[0], i);
+               if (ac_is_sgpr_param(param)) {
+                       assert(num_vgprs == 0);
+                       num_sgprs += llvm_get_type_size(LLVMTypeOf(param)) / 4;
+               } else {
+                       num_vgprs += llvm_get_type_size(LLVMTypeOf(param)) / 4;
+               }
+       }
+       assert(num_vgprs + num_sgprs <= ARRAY_SIZE(param_types));
+       num_params = 0;
+       last_sgpr_param = 0;
+       gprs = 0;
+       while (gprs < num_sgprs + num_vgprs) {
+               LLVMValueRef param = LLVMGetParam(parts[main_part], num_params);
+               unsigned size;
+               param_types[num_params] = LLVMTypeOf(param);
+               if (gprs < num_sgprs)
+                       last_sgpr_param = num_params;
+               size = llvm_get_type_size(param_types[num_params]) / 4;
+               num_params++;
+               assert(ac_is_sgpr_param(param) == (gprs < num_sgprs));
+               assert(gprs + size <= num_sgprs + num_vgprs &&
+                      (gprs >= num_sgprs || gprs + size <= num_sgprs));
+               gprs += size;
+       }
+       si_create_function(ctx, "wrapper", NULL, 0, param_types, num_params, 
+       /* Record the arguments of the function as if they were an output of
+        * a previous part.
+        */
+       num_out = 0;
+       num_out_sgpr = 0;
+       for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_params; ++i) {
+               LLVMValueRef param = LLVMGetParam(ctx->main_fn, i);
+               LLVMTypeRef param_type = LLVMTypeOf(param);
+               LLVMTypeRef out_type = i <= last_sgpr_param ? ctx->i32 : 
+               unsigned size = llvm_get_type_size(param_type) / 4;
+               if (size == 1) {
+                       if (param_type != out_type)
+                               param = LLVMBuildBitCast(builder, param, 
out_type, "");
+                       out[num_out++] = param;
+               } else {
+                       LLVMTypeRef vector_type = LLVMVectorType(out_type, 
+                       if (LLVMGetTypeKind(param_type) == LLVMPointerTypeKind) 
+                               param = LLVMBuildPtrToInt(builder, param, 
ctx->i64, "");
+                               param_type = ctx->i64;
+                       }
+                       if (param_type != vector_type)
+                               param = LLVMBuildBitCast(builder, param, 
vector_type, "");
+                       for (unsigned j = 0; j < size; ++j)
+                               out[num_out++] = LLVMBuildExtractElement(
+                                       builder, param, LLVMConstInt(ctx->i32, 
j, 0), "");
+               }
+               if (i <= last_sgpr_param)
+                       num_out_sgpr = num_out;
+       }
+       /* Now chain the parts. */
+       for (unsigned part = 0; part < num_parts; ++part) {
+               LLVMValueRef in[48];
+               LLVMValueRef ret;
+               LLVMTypeRef ret_type;
+               unsigned out_idx = 0;
+               num_params = LLVMCountParams(parts[part]);
+               assert(num_params <= ARRAY_SIZE(param_types));
+               /* Derive arguments for the next part from outputs of the
+                * previous one.
+                */
+               for (unsigned param_idx = 0; param_idx < num_params; 
++param_idx) {
+                       LLVMValueRef param;
+                       LLVMTypeRef param_type;
+                       bool is_sgpr;
+                       unsigned param_size;
+                       LLVMValueRef arg = NULL;
+                       param = LLVMGetParam(parts[part], param_idx);
+                       param_type = LLVMTypeOf(param);
+                       param_size = llvm_get_type_size(param_type) / 4;
+                       is_sgpr = ac_is_sgpr_param(param);
+                       if (is_sgpr) {
+                               LLVMRemoveAttribute(param, LLVMByValAttribute);
+                               LLVMAddAttribute(param, LLVMInRegAttribute);
+                       }
+                       assert(out_idx + param_size <= (is_sgpr ? num_out_sgpr 
: num_out));
+                       assert(is_sgpr || out_idx >= num_out_sgpr);
+                       if (param_size == 1)
+                               arg = out[out_idx];
+                       else
+                               arg = lp_build_gather_values(gallivm, 
&out[out_idx], param_size);
+                       if (LLVMTypeOf(arg) != param_type) {
+                               if (LLVMGetTypeKind(param_type) == 
LLVMPointerTypeKind) {
+                                       arg = LLVMBuildBitCast(builder, arg, 
ctx->i64, "");
+                                       arg = LLVMBuildIntToPtr(builder, arg, 
param_type, "");
+                               } else {
+                                       arg = LLVMBuildBitCast(builder, arg, 
param_type, "");
+                               }
+                       }
+                       in[param_idx] = arg;
+                       out_idx += param_size;
+               }
+               ret = LLVMBuildCall(builder, parts[part], in, num_params, "");
+               ret_type = LLVMTypeOf(ret);
+               /* Extract the returned GPRs. */
+               num_out = 0;
+               num_out_sgpr = 0;
+               if (LLVMGetTypeKind(ret_type) != LLVMVoidTypeKind) {
+                       assert(LLVMGetTypeKind(ret_type) == LLVMStructTypeKind);
+                       unsigned ret_size = 
+                       for (unsigned i = 0; i < ret_size; ++i) {
+                               LLVMValueRef val =
+                                       LLVMBuildExtractValue(builder, ret, i, 
+                               out[num_out++] = val;
+                               if (LLVMTypeOf(val) == ctx->i32) {
+                                       assert(num_out_sgpr + 1 == num_out);
+                                       num_out_sgpr = num_out;
+                               }
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       LLVMBuildRetVoid(builder);
 int si_compile_tgsi_shader(struct si_screen *sscreen,
                           LLVMTargetMachineRef tm,
                           struct si_shader *shader,
                           bool is_monolithic,
                           struct pipe_debug_callback *debug)
        struct si_shader_selector *sel = shader->selector;
        struct si_shader_context ctx;
        struct lp_build_tgsi_context *bld_base;
        LLVMModuleRef mod;
@@ -6792,33 +6983,49 @@ int si_compile_tgsi_shader(struct si_screen *sscreen,
            !(sscreen->b.debug_flags & DBG_NO_TGSI)) {
                tgsi_dump(sel->tokens, 0);
        si_init_shader_ctx(&ctx, sscreen, shader, tm);
        ctx.no_prolog = is_monolithic;
        ctx.no_epilog = is_monolithic;
        ctx.separate_prolog = !is_monolithic;
+       if (ctx.type == PIPE_SHADER_FRAGMENT)
+               ctx.no_epilog = false;
        memset(shader->info.vs_output_param_offset, 0xff,
        shader->info.uses_instanceid = sel->info.uses_instanceid;
        bld_base = &ctx.soa.bld_base;
        ctx.load_system_value = declare_system_value;
        if (!si_compile_tgsi_main(&ctx, shader)) {
                return -1;
+       if (is_monolithic && ctx.type == PIPE_SHADER_FRAGMENT) {
+               LLVMValueRef parts[2];
+               union si_shader_part_key epilog_key;
+               parts[0] = ctx.main_fn;
+               si_get_ps_epilog_key(shader, &epilog_key);
+               si_build_ps_epilog_function(&ctx, &epilog_key);
+               parts[1] = ctx.main_fn;
+               si_build_wrapper_function(&ctx, parts, 2, 0);
+       }
        mod = bld_base->base.gallivm->module;
        /* Dump LLVM IR before any optimization passes */
        if (sscreen->b.debug_flags & DBG_PREOPT_IR &&
            r600_can_dump_shader(&sscreen->b, ctx.type))

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