From: Nicolai Hähnle <>

We will use multiple functions in one module, so they should have
different names.
 src/gallium/drivers/radeonsi/si_shader.c            | 15 ++++++++-------
 src/gallium/drivers/radeonsi/si_shader_internal.h   |  1 +
 src/gallium/drivers/radeonsi/si_shader_tgsi_setup.c |  3 ++-
 3 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/gallium/drivers/radeonsi/si_shader.c 
index dcbcfbc..81c361e 100644
--- a/src/gallium/drivers/radeonsi/si_shader.c
+++ b/src/gallium/drivers/radeonsi/si_shader.c
@@ -5358,27 +5358,28 @@ static const struct lp_build_tgsi_action tex_action = {
        .fetch_args = tex_fetch_args,
        .emit = build_tex_intrinsic,
 static const struct lp_build_tgsi_action interp_action = {
        .fetch_args = interp_fetch_args,
        .emit = build_interp_intrinsic,
 static void si_create_function(struct si_shader_context *ctx,
+                              const char *name,
                               LLVMTypeRef *returns, unsigned num_returns,
                               LLVMTypeRef *params, unsigned num_params,
                               int last_sgpr)
        int i;
-       si_llvm_create_func(ctx, returns, num_returns,
+       si_llvm_create_func(ctx, name, returns, num_returns,
                            params, num_params);
        si_llvm_shader_type(ctx->main_fn, ctx->type);
        ctx->return_value = LLVMGetUndef(ctx->return_type);
        for (i = 0; i <= last_sgpr; ++i) {
                LLVMValueRef P = LLVMGetParam(ctx->main_fn, i);
                /* The combination of:
                 * - ByVal
                 * - dereferenceable
@@ -5687,21 +5688,21 @@ static void create_function(struct si_shader_context 
                params[SI_PARAM_THREAD_ID] = v3i32;
                num_params = SI_PARAM_THREAD_ID + 1;
                assert(0 && "unimplemented shader");
        assert(num_params <= ARRAY_SIZE(params));
-       si_create_function(ctx, returns, num_returns, params,
+       si_create_function(ctx, "main", returns, num_returns, params,
                           num_params, last_sgpr);
        /* Reserve register locations for VGPR inputs the PS prolog may need. */
        if (ctx->type == PIPE_SHADER_FRAGMENT &&
            ctx->separate_prolog) {
                                      S_0286D0_PERSP_SAMPLE_ENA(1) |
                                      S_0286D0_PERSP_CENTER_ENA(1) |
                                      S_0286D0_PERSP_CENTROID_ENA(1) |
@@ -7023,21 +7024,21 @@ static bool si_compile_vs_prolog(struct si_screen 
        for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                params[num_params++] = ctx.i32;
                returns[num_returns++] = ctx.f32;
        /* Vertex load indices. */
        for (i = 0; i <= key->vs_prolog.last_input; i++)
                returns[num_returns++] = ctx.f32;
        /* Create the function. */
-       si_create_function(&ctx, returns, num_returns, params,
+       si_create_function(&ctx, "vs_prolog", returns, num_returns, params,
                           num_params, last_sgpr);
        func = ctx.main_fn;
        /* Copy inputs to outputs. This should be no-op, as the registers match,
         * but it will prevent the compiler from overwriting them 
        ret = ctx.return_value;
        for (i = 0; i < key->vs_prolog.num_input_sgprs; i++) {
                LLVMValueRef p = LLVMGetParam(func, i);
                ret = LLVMBuildInsertValue(gallivm->builder, ret, p, i, "");
@@ -7111,21 +7112,21 @@ static bool si_compile_vs_epilog(struct si_screen 
        /* Declare input VGPRs. */
        num_params = key->vs_epilog.states.export_prim_id ?
                           (VS_EPILOG_PRIMID_LOC + 1) : 0;
        assert(num_params <= ARRAY_SIZE(params));
        for (i = 0; i < num_params; i++)
                params[i] = ctx.f32;
        /* Create the function. */
-       si_create_function(&ctx, NULL, 0, params, num_params, -1);
+       si_create_function(&ctx, "vs_epilog", NULL, 0, params, num_params, -1);
        /* Emit exports. */
        if (key->vs_epilog.states.export_prim_id) {
                struct lp_build_context *base = &bld_base->base;
                struct lp_build_context *uint = &bld_base->uint_bld;
                LLVMValueRef args[9];
                args[0] = lp_build_const_int32(base->gallivm, 0x0); /* enabled 
channels */
                args[1] = uint->zero; /* whether the EXEC mask is valid */
                args[2] = uint->zero; /* DONE bit */
@@ -7281,21 +7282,21 @@ static bool si_compile_tcs_epilog(struct si_screen 
        params[ctx.param_oc_lds = SI_PARAM_TCS_OC_LDS] = ctx.i32;
        params[SI_PARAM_TESS_FACTOR_OFFSET] = ctx.i32;
        last_sgpr = SI_PARAM_TESS_FACTOR_OFFSET;
        num_params = last_sgpr + 1;
        params[num_params++] = ctx.i32; /* patch index within the wave 
        params[num_params++] = ctx.i32; /* invocation ID within the patch */
        params[num_params++] = ctx.i32; /* LDS offset where tess factors should 
be loaded from */
        /* Create the function. */
-       si_create_function(&ctx, NULL, 0, params, num_params, last_sgpr);
+       si_create_function(&ctx, "tcs_epilog", NULL, 0, params, num_params, 
        func = ctx.main_fn;
                              LLVMGetParam(func, last_sgpr + 1),
                              LLVMGetParam(func, last_sgpr + 2),
                              LLVMGetParam(func, last_sgpr + 3));
        /* Compile. */
@@ -7373,21 +7374,21 @@ static bool si_compile_ps_prolog(struct si_screen 
        for (i = 0; i < key->ps_prolog.num_input_vgprs; i++)
                params[num_params++] = ctx.f32;
        /* Declare outputs (same as inputs + add colors if needed) */
        num_returns = num_params;
        num_color_channels = util_bitcount(key->ps_prolog.colors_read);
        for (i = 0; i < num_color_channels; i++)
                params[num_returns++] = ctx.f32;
        /* Create the function. */
-       si_create_function(&ctx, params, num_returns, params,
+       si_create_function(&ctx, "ps_prolog", params, num_returns, params,
                           num_params, last_sgpr);
        func = ctx.main_fn;
        /* Copy inputs to outputs. This should be no-op, as the registers match,
         * but it will prevent the compiler from overwriting them 
        ret = ctx.return_value;
        for (i = 0; i < num_params; i++) {
                LLVMValueRef p = LLVMGetParam(func, i);
                ret = LLVMBuildInsertValue(gallivm->builder, ret, p, i, "");
@@ -7638,21 +7639,21 @@ static bool si_compile_ps_epilog(struct si_screen 
        num_params = MAX2(num_params,
                          last_sgpr + 1 + PS_EPILOG_SAMPLEMASK_MIN_LOC + 1);
        assert(num_params <= ARRAY_SIZE(params));
        for (i = last_sgpr + 1; i < num_params; i++)
                params[i] = ctx.f32;
        /* Create the function. */
-       si_create_function(&ctx, NULL, 0, params, num_params, last_sgpr);
+       si_create_function(&ctx, "ps_epilog", NULL, 0, params, num_params, 
        /* Disable elimination of unused inputs. */
                                  "InitialPSInputAddr", 0xffffff);
        /* Process colors. */
        unsigned vgpr = last_sgpr + 1;
        unsigned colors_written = key->ps_epilog.colors_written;
        int last_color_export = -1;
        /* Find the last color export. */
diff --git a/src/gallium/drivers/radeonsi/si_shader_internal.h 
index 7586373..2f5d346 100644
--- a/src/gallium/drivers/radeonsi/si_shader_internal.h
+++ b/src/gallium/drivers/radeonsi/si_shader_internal.h
@@ -187,20 +187,21 @@ LLVMValueRef bitcast(struct lp_build_tgsi_context 
 LLVMValueRef si_llvm_bound_index(struct si_shader_context *ctx,
                                 LLVMValueRef index,
                                 unsigned num);
 void si_llvm_context_init(struct si_shader_context *ctx,
                          const char *triple,
                          const struct tgsi_shader_info *info,
                          const struct tgsi_token *tokens);
 void si_llvm_create_func(struct si_shader_context *ctx,
+                        const char *name,
                         LLVMTypeRef *return_types, unsigned num_return_elems,
                         LLVMTypeRef *ParamTypes, unsigned ParamCount);
 void si_llvm_dispose(struct si_shader_context *ctx);
 void si_llvm_finalize_module(struct si_shader_context *ctx,
                             bool run_verifier);
 LLVMValueRef si_llvm_emit_fetch_64bit(struct lp_build_tgsi_context *bld_base,
                                      enum tgsi_opcode_type type,
diff --git a/src/gallium/drivers/radeonsi/si_shader_tgsi_setup.c 
index 2d82574..b37f7e6 100644
--- a/src/gallium/drivers/radeonsi/si_shader_tgsi_setup.c
+++ b/src/gallium/drivers/radeonsi/si_shader_tgsi_setup.c
@@ -1297,37 +1297,38 @@ void si_llvm_context_init(struct si_shader_context 
*ctx, const char *triple,
        bld_base->op_actions[TGSI_OPCODE_BRK].emit = brk_emit;
        bld_base->op_actions[TGSI_OPCODE_CONT].emit = cont_emit;
        bld_base->op_actions[TGSI_OPCODE_IF].emit = if_emit;
        bld_base->op_actions[TGSI_OPCODE_UIF].emit = uif_emit;
        bld_base->op_actions[TGSI_OPCODE_ELSE].emit = else_emit;
        bld_base->op_actions[TGSI_OPCODE_ENDIF].emit = endif_emit;
        bld_base->op_actions[TGSI_OPCODE_ENDLOOP].emit = endloop_emit;
 void si_llvm_create_func(struct si_shader_context *ctx,
+                        const char *name,
                         LLVMTypeRef *return_types, unsigned num_return_elems,
                         LLVMTypeRef *ParamTypes, unsigned ParamCount)
        LLVMTypeRef main_fn_type, ret_type;
        LLVMBasicBlockRef main_fn_body;
        if (num_return_elems)
                ret_type = LLVMStructTypeInContext(ctx->gallivm.context,
                                                   num_return_elems, true);
                ret_type = LLVMVoidTypeInContext(ctx->gallivm.context);
        /* Setup the function */
        ctx->return_type = ret_type;
        main_fn_type = LLVMFunctionType(ret_type, ParamTypes, ParamCount, 0);
-       ctx->main_fn = LLVMAddFunction(ctx->gallivm.module, "main", 
+       ctx->main_fn = LLVMAddFunction(ctx->gallivm.module, name, main_fn_type);
        main_fn_body = LLVMAppendBasicBlockInContext(ctx->gallivm.context,
                        ctx->main_fn, "main_body");
        LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(ctx->gallivm.builder, main_fn_body);
 void si_llvm_finalize_module(struct si_shader_context *ctx,
                             bool run_verifier)
        struct gallivm_state *gallivm = ctx->soa.bld_base.base.gallivm;
        const char *triple = LLVMGetTarget(gallivm->module);

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