On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 4:26 AM, Romain Failliot
<romain.faill...@foolstep.com> wrote:
> Hi!
> I've just bought myself an RX 480 (because of the open source drivers).
> I have Fedora 24 with GNOME 3.20, linux 4.7.2, mesa 12.0.2, llvm 3.8.0.
> I tested Alien: Isolation (that I couldn't even launch with my old HD 6870),
> but there is a texture bug, see by yourself:
> https://youtu.be/zTZpWU9srL4

Yeah you need LLVM 3.9 not just for this game, but also for many other
games to work correctly. It's due to the fact that some games require
GL 4.3, which is only supported with LLVM 3.9. Some games don't even
report an error when they don't get GL 4.3, they just run broken.
(like Alien Isolation)

> Also I tried Dota 2 (which was working on my old HD 6870) and there the
> textures are perfect, but the top bar is always visible and it creates an
> offset in the input (notice that the bottom of the screen is cropped):
> https://framapic.org/6vMPXK5y1tWu/hRcANfUysTdD.png

This is unrelated to the graphics driver. The driver has no control
over what the window manager does.

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