On Sat, 27 Aug 2011 03:23:28 -0700, Kenneth Graunke <kenn...@whitecape.org> 
> This is a port of vec4_visitor::try_rewrite_rhs_to_dst to fs_visitor.
> Not only is this technique less invasive and more robust, it also
> generates better code.  Over and above the previous technique, this
> reduced instruction count in shader-db:
> With all FS optimizations (register coalescing and such) disabled, this
> reduced instruction count by 6.23% on average and 36% in the best case.
> With optimizations left enabled, it still reduced instruction count by
> 0.28% on average and 1.4% in the best case.
> In no case did this technique result in more code than the prior method.

I was actually trying to do this, too, before I GPU hung and ran out of
battery.  However, I don't think just a comparison of before this commit
to after this commit is fair -- you need to compare before the revert to
after this commit.

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