On Feb 29, 2016, at 3:47 PM, Roland Scheidegger 
<srol...@vmware.com<mailto:srol...@vmware.com>> wrote:

Am 29.02.2016 um 22:07 schrieb Rowley, Timothy O:
Modest ping: haven’t had any comments on these patches for a few
Patches look ok to me (for the parts I looked at and commented on).

I don’t have freedesktop git write privileges, so once the patches
are cleared it would be great if someone could push them.

I don't think that's going to work. A driver needs to be maintained, and
a complete driver where the maintainer doesn't have commit access sounds
like a bad idea to me. You should probably apply for git access, unless
you can find someone else who wants to work on the driver…

I’m willing to be the maintainer, but was trying to follow the path usually 
taken towards commit access: build up a history of patches and then ask for 
access.  I can request early access if you think this will help the process.


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