Define a new st_util_vertex structure which is a bit smaller (9 floats
versus the previous 12 floats per vertex).  Clean up the glClear,
glDrawPixels and glBitmap code that sets up the vertex data and does the
drawing so it's all very similar.  This can lead to more consolidation.
 src/mesa/state_tracker/st_cb_bitmap.c     | 100 +++++++++++----------
 src/mesa/state_tracker/st_cb_clear.c      |  69 ++++++++-------
 src/mesa/state_tracker/st_cb_drawpixels.c | 140 ++++++++++++++----------------
 src/mesa/state_tracker/st_context.c       |  25 ++++--
 src/mesa/state_tracker/st_context.h       |  12 ++-
 5 files changed, 185 insertions(+), 161 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/mesa/state_tracker/st_cb_bitmap.c 
index 627b8cb..b5387d7 100644
--- a/src/mesa/state_tracker/st_cb_bitmap.c
+++ b/src/mesa/state_tracker/st_cb_bitmap.c
@@ -49,7 +49,6 @@
 #include "pipe/p_defines.h"
 #include "pipe/p_shader_tokens.h"
 #include "util/u_inlines.h"
-#include "util/u_draw_quad.h"
 #include "util/u_simple_shaders.h"
 #include "util/u_upload_mgr.h"
 #include "program/prog_instruction.h"
@@ -282,7 +281,8 @@ setup_render_state(struct gl_context *ctx,
       cso_set_viewport(cso, &vp);
-   cso_set_vertex_elements(cso, 3, st->velems_util_draw);
+   cso_set_vertex_elements(cso, 3, st->util_velems);
    cso_set_stream_outputs(st->cso_context, 0, NULL, NULL);
@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ draw_bitmap_quad(struct gl_context *ctx, GLint x, GLint y, 
GLfloat z,
    struct st_context *st = st_context(ctx);
    struct pipe_context *pipe = st->pipe;
-   struct pipe_resource *vbuf = NULL;
+   struct pipe_vertex_buffer vb = {0};
    const float fb_width = (float) st->state.framebuffer.width;
    const float fb_height = (float) st->state.framebuffer.height;
    const float x0 = (float) x;
@@ -335,8 +335,7 @@ draw_bitmap_quad(struct gl_context *ctx, GLint x, GLint y, 
GLfloat z,
    const float clip_y0 = y0 / fb_height * 2.0f - 1.0f;
    const float clip_x1 = x1 / fb_width * 2.0f - 1.0f;
    const float clip_y1 = y1 / fb_height * 2.0f - 1.0f;
-   float (*vertices)[3][4];  /**< vertex pos + color + texcoord */
-   unsigned offset, i;
+   struct st_util_vertex *verts;
    /* limit checks */
@@ -360,9 +359,11 @@ draw_bitmap_quad(struct gl_context *ctx, GLint x, GLint y, 
GLfloat z,
       tBot = (float) height;
-   u_upload_alloc(st->uploader, 0, 4 * sizeof(vertices[0]), 4,
-                  &offset, &vbuf, (void **) &vertices);
-   if (!vbuf) {
+   vb.stride = sizeof(struct st_util_vertex);
+   u_upload_alloc(st->uploader, 0, 4 * sizeof(struct st_util_vertex), 4,
+                  &vb.buffer_offset, &vb.buffer, (void **) &verts);
+   if (!vb.buffer) {
       _mesa_error(ctx, GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "glBitmap");
@@ -371,50 +372,57 @@ draw_bitmap_quad(struct gl_context *ctx, GLint x, GLint 
y, GLfloat z,
    /* Positions are in clip coords since we need to do clipping in case
     * the bitmap quad goes beyond the window bounds.
-   vertices[0][0][0] = clip_x0;
-   vertices[0][0][1] = clip_y0;
-   vertices[0][2][0] = sLeft;
-   vertices[0][2][1] = tTop;
-   vertices[1][0][0] = clip_x1;
-   vertices[1][0][1] = clip_y0;
-   vertices[1][2][0] = sRight;
-   vertices[1][2][1] = tTop;
-   vertices[2][0][0] = clip_x1;
-   vertices[2][0][1] = clip_y1;
-   vertices[2][2][0] = sRight;
-   vertices[2][2][1] = tBot;
-   vertices[3][0][0] = clip_x0;
-   vertices[3][0][1] = clip_y1;
-   vertices[3][2][0] = sLeft;
-   vertices[3][2][1] = tBot;
-   /* same for all verts: */
-   for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-      vertices[i][0][2] = z;
-      vertices[i][0][3] = 1.0f;
-      vertices[i][1][0] = color[0];
-      vertices[i][1][1] = color[1];
-      vertices[i][1][2] = color[2];
-      vertices[i][1][3] = color[3];
-      vertices[i][2][2] = 0.0; /*R*/
-      vertices[i][2][3] = 1.0; /*Q*/
-   }
+   verts[0].x = clip_x0;
+   verts[0].y = clip_y0;
+   verts[0].z = z;
+   verts[0].r = color[0];
+   verts[0].g = color[1];
+   verts[0].b = color[2];
+   verts[0].a = color[3];
+   verts[0].s = sLeft;
+   verts[0].t = tTop;
+   verts[1].x = clip_x1;
+   verts[1].y = clip_y0;
+   verts[1].z = z;
+   verts[1].r = color[0];
+   verts[1].g = color[1];
+   verts[1].b = color[2];
+   verts[1].a = color[3];
+   verts[1].s = sRight;
+   verts[1].t = tTop;
+   verts[2].x = clip_x1;
+   verts[2].y = clip_y1;
+   verts[2].z = z;
+   verts[2].r = color[0];
+   verts[2].g = color[1];
+   verts[2].b = color[2];
+   verts[2].a = color[3];
+   verts[2].s = sRight;
+   verts[2].t = tBot;
+   verts[3].x = clip_x0;
+   verts[3].y = clip_y1;
+   verts[3].z = z;
+   verts[3].r = color[0];
+   verts[3].g = color[1];
+   verts[3].b = color[2];
+   verts[3].a = color[3];
+   verts[3].s = sLeft;
+   verts[3].t = tBot;
-   util_draw_vertex_buffer(pipe, st->cso_context, vbuf,
-                           cso_get_aux_vertex_buffer_slot(st->cso_context),
-                           offset,
-                           PIPE_PRIM_TRIANGLE_FAN,
-                           4,  /* verts */
-                           3); /* attribs/vert */
+   cso_set_vertex_buffers(st->cso_context,
+                          cso_get_aux_vertex_buffer_slot(st->cso_context),
+                          1, &vb);
+   cso_draw_arrays(st->cso_context, PIPE_PRIM_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, 4);
-   pipe_resource_reference(&vbuf, NULL);
+   pipe_resource_reference(&vb.buffer, NULL);
    /* We uploaded modified constants, need to invalidate them. */
    st->dirty.mesa |= _NEW_PROGRAM_CONSTANTS;
diff --git a/src/mesa/state_tracker/st_cb_clear.c 
index 7b6d10e..9d043c1 100644
--- a/src/mesa/state_tracker/st_cb_clear.c
+++ b/src/mesa/state_tracker/st_cb_clear.c
@@ -55,7 +55,6 @@
 #include "util/u_framebuffer.h"
 #include "util/u_inlines.h"
 #include "util/u_simple_shaders.h"
-#include "util/u_draw_quad.h"
 #include "util/u_upload_mgr.h"
 #include "cso_cache/cso_context.h"
@@ -180,14 +179,12 @@ draw_quad(struct st_context *st,
    struct cso_context *cso = st->cso_context;
    struct pipe_vertex_buffer vb = {0};
-   GLuint i;
-   float (*vertices)[2][4];  /**< vertex pos + color */
+   struct st_util_vertex *verts;
-   vb.stride = 8 * sizeof(float);
+   vb.stride = sizeof(struct st_util_vertex);
-   u_upload_alloc(st->uploader, 0, 4 * sizeof(vertices[0]), 4,
-                  &vb.buffer_offset, &vb.buffer,
-                  (void **) &vertices);
+   u_upload_alloc(st->uploader, 0, 4 * sizeof(struct st_util_vertex), 4,
+                  &vb.buffer_offset, &vb.buffer, (void **) &verts);
    if (!vb.buffer) {
@@ -195,28 +192,40 @@ draw_quad(struct st_context *st,
    /* Convert Z from [0,1] to [-1,1] range */
    z = z * 2.0f - 1.0f;
-   /* positions */
-   vertices[0][0][0] = x0;
-   vertices[0][0][1] = y0;
-   vertices[1][0][0] = x1;
-   vertices[1][0][1] = y0;
-   vertices[2][0][0] = x1;
-   vertices[2][0][1] = y1;
-   vertices[3][0][0] = x0;
-   vertices[3][0][1] = y1;
-   /* same for all verts: */
-   for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-      vertices[i][0][2] = z;
-      vertices[i][0][3] = 1.0;
-      vertices[i][1][0] = color->f[0];
-      vertices[i][1][1] = color->f[1];
-      vertices[i][1][2] = color->f[2];
-      vertices[i][1][3] = color->f[3];
-   }
+   /* Note: if we're only clearing depth/stencil we still setup vertices
+    * with color, but they'll be ignored.
+    */
+   verts[0].x = x0;
+   verts[0].y = y0;
+   verts[0].z = z;
+   verts[0].r = color->f[0];
+   verts[0].g = color->f[1];
+   verts[0].b = color->f[2];
+   verts[0].a = color->f[3];
+   verts[1].x = x1;
+   verts[1].y = y0;
+   verts[1].z = z;
+   verts[1].r = color->f[0];
+   verts[1].g = color->f[1];
+   verts[1].b = color->f[2];
+   verts[1].a = color->f[3];
+   verts[2].x = x1;
+   verts[2].y = y1;
+   verts[2].z = z;
+   verts[2].r = color->f[0];
+   verts[2].g = color->f[1];
+   verts[2].b = color->f[2];
+   verts[2].a = color->f[3];
+   verts[3].x = x0;
+   verts[3].y = y1;
+   verts[3].z = z;
+   verts[3].r = color->f[0];
+   verts[3].g = color->f[1];
+   verts[3].b = color->f[2];
+   verts[3].a = color->f[3];
@@ -331,7 +340,7 @@ clear_with_quad(struct gl_context *ctx, unsigned 
       cso_set_depth_stencil_alpha(st->cso_context, &depth_stencil);
-   cso_set_vertex_elements(st->cso_context, 2, st->velems_util_draw);
+   cso_set_vertex_elements(st->cso_context, 2, st->util_velems);
    cso_set_stream_outputs(st->cso_context, 0, NULL, NULL);
    cso_set_sample_mask(st->cso_context, ~0);
    cso_set_min_samples(st->cso_context, 1);
diff --git a/src/mesa/state_tracker/st_cb_drawpixels.c 
index fd58886..3a3e51a 100644
--- a/src/mesa/state_tracker/st_cb_drawpixels.c
+++ b/src/mesa/state_tracker/st_cb_drawpixels.c
@@ -63,7 +63,6 @@
 #include "pipe/p_context.h"
 #include "pipe/p_defines.h"
 #include "tgsi/tgsi_ureg.h"
-#include "util/u_draw_quad.h"
 #include "util/u_format.h"
 #include "util/u_inlines.h"
 #include "util/u_math.h"
@@ -162,22 +161,22 @@ make_passthrough_vertex_shader(struct st_context *st,
          return NULL;
       /* MOV result.pos, vertex.pos; */
-      ureg_MOV(ureg, 
+      ureg_MOV(ureg,
                ureg_DECL_output( ureg, TGSI_SEMANTIC_POSITION, 0 ),
                ureg_DECL_vs_input( ureg, 0 ));
-      /* MOV result.texcoord0, vertex.attr[1]; */
-      ureg_MOV(ureg, 
-               ureg_DECL_output( ureg, texcoord_semantic, 0 ),
-               ureg_DECL_vs_input( ureg, 1 ));
       if (passColor) {
-         /* MOV result.color0, vertex.attr[2]; */
-         ureg_MOV(ureg, 
+         /* MOV result.color0, vertex.attr[1]; */
+         ureg_MOV(ureg,
                   ureg_DECL_output( ureg, TGSI_SEMANTIC_COLOR, 0 ),
-                  ureg_DECL_vs_input( ureg, 2 ));
+                  ureg_DECL_vs_input( ureg, 1 ));
+      /* MOV result.texcoord0, vertex.attr[2]; */
+      ureg_MOV(ureg,
+               ureg_DECL_output( ureg, texcoord_semantic, 0 ),
+               ureg_DECL_vs_input( ureg, 2 ));
       ureg_END( ureg );
       st->drawpix.vert_shaders[passColor] = 
@@ -453,14 +452,14 @@ draw_quad(struct gl_context *ctx, GLfloat x0, GLfloat y0, 
GLfloat z,
           GLboolean invertTex, GLfloat maxXcoord, GLfloat maxYcoord)
    struct st_context *st = st_context(ctx);
-   struct pipe_context *pipe = st->pipe;
-   GLfloat (*verts)[3][4]; /* four verts, three attribs, XYZW */
-   struct pipe_resource *buf = NULL;
-   unsigned offset;
+   struct pipe_vertex_buffer vb = {0};
+   struct st_util_vertex *verts;
+   vb.stride = sizeof(struct st_util_vertex);
-   u_upload_alloc(st->uploader, 0, 4 * sizeof(verts[0]), 4, &offset,
-                  &buf, (void **) &verts);
-   if (!buf) {
+   u_upload_alloc(st->uploader, 0, 4 * sizeof(struct st_util_vertex), 4,
+                  &vb.buffer_offset, &vb.buffer, (void **) &verts);
+   if (!vb.buffer) {
@@ -476,64 +475,61 @@ draw_quad(struct gl_context *ctx, GLfloat x0, GLfloat y0, 
GLfloat z,
       const GLfloat sLeft = 0.0f, sRight = maxXcoord;
       const GLfloat tTop = invertTex ? maxYcoord : 0.0f;
       const GLfloat tBot = invertTex ? 0.0f : maxYcoord;
-      GLuint i;
       /* upper-left */
-      verts[0][0][0] = clip_x0;    /* v[0].attr[0].x */
-      verts[0][0][1] = clip_y0;    /* v[0].attr[0].y */
+      verts[0].x = clip_x0;
+      verts[0].y = clip_y0;
+      verts[0].z = z;
+      verts[0].r = color[0];
+      verts[0].g = color[1];
+      verts[0].b = color[2];
+      verts[0].a = color[3];
+      verts[0].s = sLeft;
+      verts[0].t = tTop;
       /* upper-right */
-      verts[1][0][0] = clip_x1;
-      verts[1][0][1] = clip_y0;
+      verts[1].x = clip_x1;
+      verts[1].y = clip_y0;
+      verts[1].z = z;
+      verts[1].r = color[0];
+      verts[1].g = color[1];
+      verts[1].b = color[2];
+      verts[1].a = color[3];
+      verts[1].s = sRight;
+      verts[1].t = tTop;
       /* lower-right */
-      verts[2][0][0] = clip_x1;
-      verts[2][0][1] = clip_y1;
+      verts[2].x = clip_x1;
+      verts[2].y = clip_y1;
+      verts[2].z = z;
+      verts[2].r = color[0];
+      verts[2].g = color[1];
+      verts[2].b = color[2];
+      verts[2].a = color[3];
+      verts[2].s = sRight;
+      verts[2].t = tBot;
       /* lower-left */
-      verts[3][0][0] = clip_x0;
-      verts[3][0][1] = clip_y1;
-      verts[0][1][0] = sLeft; /* v[0].attr[1].S */
-      verts[0][1][1] = tTop;  /* v[0].attr[1].T */
-      verts[1][1][0] = sRight;
-      verts[1][1][1] = tTop;
-      verts[2][1][0] = sRight;
-      verts[2][1][1] = tBot;
-      verts[3][1][0] = sLeft;
-      verts[3][1][1] = tBot;
-      /* same for all verts: */
-      if (color) {
-         for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-            verts[i][0][2] = z;         /* v[i].attr[0].z */
-            verts[i][0][3] = 1.0f;      /* v[i].attr[0].w */
-            verts[i][2][0] = color[0];  /* v[i].attr[2].r */
-            verts[i][2][1] = color[1];  /* v[i].attr[2].g */
-            verts[i][2][2] = color[2];  /* v[i].attr[2].b */
-            verts[i][2][3] = color[3];  /* v[i].attr[2].a */
-            verts[i][1][2] = 0.0f;      /* v[i].attr[1].R */
-            verts[i][1][3] = 1.0f;      /* v[i].attr[1].Q */
-         }
-      }
-      else {
-         for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-            verts[i][0][2] = z;    /*Z*/
-            verts[i][0][3] = 1.0f; /*W*/
-            verts[i][1][2] = 0.0f; /*R*/
-            verts[i][1][3] = 1.0f; /*Q*/
-         }
-      }
+      verts[3].x = clip_x0;
+      verts[3].y = clip_y1;
+      verts[3].z = z;
+      verts[3].r = color[0];
+      verts[3].g = color[1];
+      verts[3].b = color[2];
+      verts[3].a = color[3];
+      verts[3].s = sLeft;
+      verts[3].t = tBot;
-   util_draw_vertex_buffer(pipe, st->cso_context, buf,
-                           cso_get_aux_vertex_buffer_slot(st->cso_context),
-                           offset,
-                          PIPE_PRIM_QUADS,
-                          4,  /* verts */
-                          3); /* attribs/vert */
-   pipe_resource_reference(&buf, NULL);
+   cso_set_vertex_buffers(st->cso_context,
+                          cso_get_aux_vertex_buffer_slot(st->cso_context),
+                          1, &vb);
+   cso_draw_arrays(st->cso_context, PIPE_PRIM_QUADS, 0, 4);
+   pipe_resource_reference(&vb.buffer, NULL);
@@ -707,7 +703,7 @@ draw_textured_quad(struct gl_context *ctx, GLint x, GLint 
y, GLfloat z,
       cso_set_viewport(cso, &vp);
-   cso_set_vertex_elements(cso, 3, st->velems_util_draw);
+   cso_set_vertex_elements(cso, 3, st->util_velems);
    cso_set_stream_outputs(st->cso_context, 0, NULL, NULL);
    /* Compute Gallium window coords (y=0=top) with pixel zoom.
@@ -1060,7 +1056,6 @@ st_DrawPixels(struct gl_context *ctx, GLint x, GLint y,
    void *driver_vp, *driver_fp;
    struct st_context *st = st_context(ctx);
-   const GLfloat *color;
    struct pipe_context *pipe = st->pipe;
    GLboolean write_stencil = GL_FALSE, write_depth = GL_FALSE;
    struct pipe_sampler_view *sv[2] = { NULL };
@@ -1106,7 +1101,6 @@ st_DrawPixels(struct gl_context *ctx, GLint x, GLint y,
       driver_fp = get_drawpix_z_stencil_program(st, write_depth,
       driver_vp = make_passthrough_vertex_shader(st, GL_TRUE);
-      color = ctx->Current.RasterColor;
    else {
       fpv = get_color_fp_variant(st);
@@ -1114,7 +1108,6 @@ st_DrawPixels(struct gl_context *ctx, GLint x, GLint y,
       driver_fp = fpv->driver_shader;
       driver_vp = make_passthrough_vertex_shader(st, GL_FALSE);
-      color = NULL;
       if (ctx->Pixel.MapColorFlag) {
@@ -1172,7 +1165,8 @@ st_DrawPixels(struct gl_context *ctx, GLint x, GLint y,
                       driver_fp, fpv,
-                      color, GL_FALSE, write_depth, write_stencil);
+                      ctx->Current.RasterColor,
+                      GL_FALSE, write_depth, write_stencil);
    pipe_sampler_view_reference(&sv[0], NULL);
    if (num_sampler_view > 1)
       pipe_sampler_view_reference(&sv[1], NULL);
@@ -1427,7 +1421,6 @@ st_CopyPixels(struct gl_context *ctx, GLint srcx, GLint 
    struct pipe_sampler_view *sv[2] = { NULL };
    struct st_fp_variant *fpv = NULL;
    int num_sampler_view = 1;
-   GLfloat *color;
    enum pipe_format srcFormat;
    unsigned srcBind;
    GLboolean invertTex = GL_FALSE;
@@ -1469,7 +1462,6 @@ st_CopyPixels(struct gl_context *ctx, GLint srcx, GLint 
       fpv = get_color_fp_variant(st);
       rbRead = st_get_color_read_renderbuffer(ctx);
-      color = NULL;
       driver_fp = fpv->driver_shader;
       driver_vp = make_passthrough_vertex_shader(st, GL_FALSE);
@@ -1490,7 +1482,6 @@ st_CopyPixels(struct gl_context *ctx, GLint srcx, GLint 
       assert(type == GL_DEPTH);
       rbRead = st_renderbuffer(ctx->ReadBuffer->
-      color = ctx->Current.Attrib[VERT_ATTRIB_COLOR0];
       driver_fp = get_drawpix_z_stencil_program(st, GL_TRUE, GL_FALSE);
       driver_vp = make_passthrough_vertex_shader(st, GL_TRUE);
@@ -1622,7 +1613,8 @@ st_CopyPixels(struct gl_context *ctx, GLint srcx, GLint 
                       driver_fp, fpv,
-                      color, invertTex, GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE);
+                      ctx->Current.Attrib[VERT_ATTRIB_COLOR0],
+                      invertTex, GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE);
    pipe_resource_reference(&pt, NULL);
    pipe_sampler_view_reference(&sv[0], NULL);
diff --git a/src/mesa/state_tracker/st_context.c 
index 9016846..cb2c390 100644
--- a/src/mesa/state_tracker/st_context.c
+++ b/src/mesa/state_tracker/st_context.c
@@ -241,16 +241,23 @@ st_create_context_priv( struct gl_context *ctx, struct 
pipe_context *pipe,
       st->internal_target = PIPE_TEXTURE_RECT;
-   /* Vertex element objects used for drawing rectangles for glBitmap,
-    * glDrawPixels, glClear, etc.
+   /* Setup vertex element info for 'struct st_util_vertex'.
-   for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(st->velems_util_draw); i++) {
-      memset(&st->velems_util_draw[i], 0, sizeof(struct pipe_vertex_element));
-      st->velems_util_draw[i].src_offset = i * 4 * sizeof(float);
-      st->velems_util_draw[i].instance_divisor = 0;
-      st->velems_util_draw[i].vertex_buffer_index =
-            cso_get_aux_vertex_buffer_slot(st->cso_context);
-      st->velems_util_draw[i].src_format = PIPE_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_FLOAT;
+   {
+      const unsigned slot = cso_get_aux_vertex_buffer_slot(st->cso_context);
+      STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(struct st_util_vertex) == 9 * sizeof(float));
+      memset(&st->util_velems, 0, sizeof(st->util_velems));
+      st->util_velems[0].src_offset = 0;
+      st->util_velems[0].vertex_buffer_index = slot;
+      st->util_velems[0].src_format = PIPE_FORMAT_R32G32B32_FLOAT;
+      st->util_velems[1].src_offset = 3 * sizeof(float);
+      st->util_velems[1].vertex_buffer_index = slot;
+      st->util_velems[1].src_format = PIPE_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_FLOAT;
+      st->util_velems[2].src_offset = 7 * sizeof(float);
+      st->util_velems[2].vertex_buffer_index = slot;
+      st->util_velems[2].src_format = PIPE_FORMAT_R32G32_FLOAT;
    /* we want all vertex data to be placed in buffer objects */
diff --git a/src/mesa/state_tracker/st_context.h 
index 9a80f4b..85a1396 100644
--- a/src/mesa/state_tracker/st_context.h
+++ b/src/mesa/state_tracker/st_context.h
@@ -78,6 +78,14 @@ struct st_tracked_state {
+/** For drawing quads for glClear, glDraw/CopyPixels, glBitmap, etc. */
+struct st_util_vertex
+   float x, y, z;
+   float r, g, b, a;
+   float s, t;
 struct st_context
@@ -217,8 +225,8 @@ struct st_context
       bool use_gs;
    } pbo_upload;
-   /** used for anything using util_draw_vertex_buffer */
-   struct pipe_vertex_element velems_util_draw[3];
+   /** for drawing with st_util_vertex */
+   struct pipe_vertex_element util_velems[3];
    void *passthrough_fs;  /**< simple pass-through frag shader */

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