Am 03.01.2016 um 21:32 schrieb Ilia Mirkin:
> On Sun, Jan 3, 2016 at 2:15 PM, Ilia Mirkin <> wrote:
>> On Sun, Jan 3, 2016 at 2:08 PM, Roland Scheidegger <> 
>> wrote:
>>>>> For the series (with the first point addressed either way,though a tgsi
>>>>> exec implementation which should be trivial wouldn't hurt neither)
>>>>> Reviewed-by: Roland Scheidegger <>
>>>> Thanks! I'll do a patch for that shortly (tgsi_exec). Unfortunately I
>>>> won't be able to enable the cap since it will still use gallivm by
>>>> default for vertices. I have a gallivm implementation as well, but it
>>>> hits asserts on LLVM 3.5. I'm pretty sure I tested it at one point or
>>>> another, but it must have been on another box with a more recent LLVM.
>>> Ah right. f16 conversion is pretty annoying indeed, though I'd hope the
>>> helpers for that should work. In any case, I only really suggested that
>>> because I'd thought it would be trivial, so if it's not I don't consider
>>> that important...
>> I'll send it out as a separate series, including my (semi?) broken
>> gallivm impl and leave it to you to fix it if you care, or ignore if
>> you don't. (I already have it, so might as well...) I understand
>> neither how LLVM works, nor how gallivm uses LLVM, which isn't a great
>> combination :)
> And of course the piglits expect out-of-bounds numbers to be
> represented as infinities, instead of the clamped value

This is, imho, a bug, they should allow both. Because round-towards-zero
when converting is allowed by GL when converting floats to half, albeit
round-to-nearest-even is preferred. And the former gets you the clamped

> which is what util_float_to_half does :(
Yep. The reason both the util and gallivm code do round-towards zero is
that for such conversions GL allows both, but d3d10 is deeply unhappy if
you do round-toward-nearest-even (for float to float conversions), at
least for the clamp vs. infinite issue. As per the data conversion
Albeit there's no specific half float conversion instructions in d3d10
(but in d3d11), render target conversions etc. must honor these rules too.
I suspect most hw can do both without too much fuzz (x86 f16c certainly


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