----- Original Message -----
> Hi,
> Looking at the Symbol table of a recent
> (66b66295d0bc856c69fdcccc22575580c7ecee16 ) libEGL.dll. I get the
> following mangled names:
> eglBindAPI
> _eglBindContext
> _eglBindTexImage
> eglBindTexImage
> _eglBindWaylandDisplayWL@8
> _eglCheckResource
> eglChooseConfig
> That is stdcall and cdecl calling convention mixed?
> and in libGLESv2.dll all functions are with stdcall conventions
> _glActiveTexture@4
> _glAttachShader@8
> _glBindAttribLocation@12
> _glBindBuffer@8
> _glBindFramebuffer@8
> Then in libOpenVL.dll there is no mangling at all:
> vgSetf
> vgSetfv
> vgSeti
> vgSetiv
> vgShear
> vgTransformPath
> Is this happening by accident or on purspose?

A bit of both.

Mesa in someplaces uses __declspec(export) attribute, other places .DEF files, 
and other both. Which is why you get this mixed.

IMO, we should stop using __declspec(export) attributes, and use .DEF files, 
which provide fine control over which symbols are public or not, and how are 
the names mangled.

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