Dan Nicholson <dbn.li...@gmail.com> writes:
> On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 12:55 PM, tom fogal <tfo...@alumni.unh.edu> wrote:
> > Ian Romanick <i...@freedesktop.org> writes:
> >> > If there are no objections, I will clean up the release notes and
> >> > make the release tomorrow (Wednesday) morning. =C2=A0It looks like a
> >> > few things got cherry-picked in the last week, so I'm assuming
> >> > everything is in that people care about.
> >
> > OSMesa, which appears to get built by default --with-driver=3Dxlib, is
> > broken on darwin w/ current 7.8 HEAD [1]:
[snip -- undefined refs]
> > Though I'm guessing this came from the symbol visibility changes
> > (addition of -fvisibility=hidden), I don't have the time before
> > tomorrow (or even this week :\) to take a real look.
> This is also the case on linux.
> https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3D28305

Ahh, yeah, I guessed as much -- errors linking shlibs on OS X usually
manifest as errors linking apps on Linux -- but I hadn't tested as

> I think the "solution" here is to stop linking OSMesa against GL and
> instead just pull in libmesa and friends all the time. In addition
> to avoiding the symbol visibility issues, it makes OSMesa more
> standalone, which is what people want anyway.

Well, personally, I'd rather get glX* + OSMesa* + `normal' gl fqns in
one lib, but I admit I'm probably the only one...

> I have a patch I was working on but haven't tested. I'll try to wrap
> it up tonight and shoot it over to you for a test. I'm attaching what
> I have right now if you want to play around with it.

Thanks.  The osmesa/Makefile changes didn't apply, so I did them
manually.. which was very odd, because I don't see how the patch is
different from what you sent.  Anyway, the attached patch fixes the
problem; I can build both xlib and standalone OSMesa on 10.5 w/ it.

It'd be great if this could be applied before any 7.8.2 release.



Attachment: binG8E8wAA5ko.bin
Description: new-standalone-osmesa.sh

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