Dear MARMAMers,

I am writing to request your help in my search for the below listed 20 
documents - all are associated with research on Arctic cetacean responses to 
vessels, or vessel activities. My co-authors and I have extensively searched 
online for these articles and exhausted all our own search options, so now I'm 
hoping MARMAM authors can help. Many of the documents are from before the time 
of 'pdfs', so I'm hoping there might be copies hiding on computers or dusty 

Any support locating PDFs or hard copies would be hugely appreciated.

The paper list is below - if you could email me at<>, I would be very grateful.

Best wishes,

  1.  Finley, K.J., C.R. Greene, and R.A. Davis. (1983). A study of ambient 
noise, ship noise, and the reactions of narwhals and belugas to the MV Arctic 
breaking ice in Admiralty Inlet N.W.T. In 'LGL Limited. 1986. Reactions of 
beluga whales and narwhals to ship traffic and ice-breaking along ice edges in 
the eastern Canadian Arctic. Canada Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, 
Environmental Studies No. 37: 108 p.'
  2.  Blane, J. (1998). Avoidance and interaction behavior of the St. Lawrence 
Beluga in response to boats. In 'Research Methods to Assess Behavioral Impacts 
on Marine Mammals-World Marine Mammal Science Conference'. Monaco.
  3.  Davis, R.; Dunbar, M.; Mackas, D.; McNamee, P.; Pessah, E.; Schell, D.; 
Sekerak, A.; Thomson, D.; Wolfe, D. (1985). Beaufort Environmental Monitoring 
Project 1983-1984. Environmental Studies (Ottawa) (34): 23-45
  4.  Richardson, W. J., C.R. Greene, and B. Würsig. (1985). Behavior, 
disturbance responses and distribution of bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) 
in the eastern Beaufort Sea, 1980-84: A summary. OCS Study MMS 85-0034.
  5.  Richardson, W.J. (ed.) (1981). Behavior, disturbance responses and 
feeding of bowhead whales in the Beaufort Sea, 1980. LGL Ecological Research 
Associates, Inc., Bryan, TX, April 1981, 273 pages. (NTIS PB86-152188). RU 0000
  6.  Fraker, M.A. (1985). The Bowhead Whale and Offshore Petroleum Operations 
in the Arctic. In Coastal Zone'85 (pp. 978-984). ASCE.
  7.  Miller, G.W. and R.A. Davis. (1984.) Distribution and movements of 
narwhals and beluga whales in response to ship traffic at the Lancaster Sound 
ice edge - 1984. In 'LGL Limited. 1986. Reactions of beluga whales and narwhals 
to ship traffic and ice-breaking along ice edges in the eastern Canadian 
arctic. Canada Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, Environmental Studies 
No. 37: iv + 34 p.'
  8.  Lesage, V. (1994). Effet de la circulation plaisanciere et d'un 
traversier sur le comportement vocal du beluga, Delphinapterus leucas, du 
Saint-Laurent. Master's Thesis. Universite Laval.
  9.  George, J.C., Philo, M. and Carroll, G.M. (1990). Evidence of killer 
whale predation, ship and line entanglement as noted on subsistence harvested 
bowhead whales. Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on the Biology of the 
Bowhead whale, Balaena mysticetus (pp. 94-97).
  10. Davis, R. A., Koski, W. R., Miller, G. W. (1986). Experimental use of 
aerial photogrammetry to assess the long-term responses of bowhead whales to 
offshore industrial activities in the Canadian Beaufort Sea, 1984. 
Environmental Studies. 44: 1-157. Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, 
Ottawa, Canada: Catalogue No. R71-19/44-1987E
  11. George, J.C. and O'Hara, T.M. (1997). Frequency of killer whale (Orcinus 
orca) bites, ship collisions, and entanglements based on scarring on bowhead 
whales (Balaena mysticetus). In 'Proceedings for the Wildlife Disease 
Association conference (p. 102).'
  12. Richardson WJ, Malme CI. Man-made noise and behavioral responses In: 
'Burns JJ, Montague JJ, Cowles CJ, editors. The bowhead whale. Special 
Publication No. 2, Society for Marine Mammalogy. Lawrence, Kansas: Allen Press; 
1993. p. 631-700.'
  13. LGL & Greeneridge. (1986). Reactions of beluga whales and narwhals to 
ship traffic and ice-breaking along ice edges in the Eastern Canadian High 
Arctic: 1982-1984. Environmental Studies 37. Indian and Northern Affairs Canada.
  14. Richardson WJ. (1993). Reactions of Migrating Bowhead and Beluga Whales 
to Noise from Simulated Industrial Activities in Ice Leads During Spring. USDI 
Miner Manag Service Report 93-0043
  15. Cosens, S. E., & Dueck, L. P. (1988). Responses of migrating narwhal and 
beluga to icebreaker traffic at the Admiralty Inlet ice-edge, NWT in 1986. In 
'W. M. Sackinger & M. O. Jeffries (Eds.), Port and ocean engineering under 
Arctic conditions (pp. 39- 54). Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska.'
  16. Finley, K.J., G.W. Miller, R.A. Davis, and C.R. Greene. (1984). Responses 
of narwhals (Monodon monoceros) and belugas (Delphinapterus leucas) to 
ice-breaking ships in Lancaster Sound - 1983. In 'LGL Limited. 1986. Reactions 
of beluga whales and narwhals to ship traffic and ice-breaking along ice edges 
in the eastern Canadian Arctic. Canada Department of Indian and Northern 
Affairs, Environmental Studies No. 37: xi + 117 p.'
  17. Yates, M., Parker, L. and Lomac-MacNair, K. (2014). Seismic operations in 
a beluga whale habitat, Cook Inlet, Alaska. In 'SEG International Exposition 
and Annual Meeting (pp. SEG-2014). SEG.'
  18. Cosens, S. (1995). The impact of ship noise and disturbance on the 
behavior of narwhals and belugas (Vol. 10). SWG/WP95.
  19. Finley, K.J. (1990). The impacts of vessel traffic on the behaviour of 
belugas. In 'For the future of the beluga. Proceedings of the international 
forum for the future of the beluga (pp. 133-40). '/ Finley, K.J. (1990). The 
impacts of vessel traffic on the behaviour of belugas. Pour l'avenir du béluga. 
Compte rendu du Forum international pour l'avenir du béluga. J. Prescott and M. 
Gauquelin. Sillery, QC, Presses de l'Universtié du Québec.
  20. Anonymous (1992). Various facilities and activities associated with 
offshore hydrocarbon development will affect the harvest of beluga whales. 
Environmental Studies.

Emily Hague (She/her/hers)
PhD Researcher
Marine Spatial Analysis Group
Edinburgh Campus
Heriot-Watt University<>
Twitter: @emilyhague<>
Scottish Vessel Project:


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