Dear MARMAM colleagues,

Myself and coauthors would like to announce that the following paper is now 
available online:

Abreo N, Thompson KF,  Arabejo G, Superio M. (2019). Social media as a novel 
source of data on the impact of marine litter on megafauna: The Philippines as 
a case study. Marine Pollution Bulletin 140: 51-59.

Marine litter is a global threat to marine biodiversity. However, there is a 
key knowledge gap on the impacts of marine litter in the Philippines – a 
country of high marine biodiversity and large exclusive economic zone. This gap 
is addressed here by using information shared on the internet by citizen 
scientists and conservation groups to assess the impacts of marine litter on 
megafauna. Facebook, presently the largest social media platform, was scanned 
for posts concerning the interaction between litter and marine species in the 
Philippines. Results showed thirty-two individuals from 17 species were 
affected by marine litter in the country. Furthermore, ingestion (61%) was the 
most frequent interaction reported. Mindanao was also identified as a hotspot 
for marine litter interactions. The study highlights the utility of social 
media in providing data to create an inventory of marine species adversely 
affected by litter and the spatial distribution of these interactions.
An copy can be downloaded at the following url for a limited time period:

Kind regards,


Dr Kirsten Thompson
Lecturer in Ecology (E&S)
University of Exeter
t. +44 (0) 1392 727426<>
Room C5, Hatherly Laboratories, University of Exeter, Exeter , Devon, EX4 4PS
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