Interesting. One of our VPS clients had a spam issue and got blocked by Google and was able to use the postmaster tools to resolve it. It was for a single low-volume domain.

I wonder why it worked for them if it doesn’t work for low volume senders. 

Google is impossible to contact or work with. At least I’ve never met anyone that could do anything about anything at all or knew anyone that could.

The strange thing 

Thank you,

Michael Denney
MDDHosting LLC

On Dec 27, 2024, at 8:56 AM, Kasper Peeters via mailop <> wrote:

Do you have Google Postmaster Tools configured for the domain as advised in the complete error message?

If your domain only sends occasional emails to gmail, postmaster tools are completely useless, as they do not show any information if the volume is below a certain threshold. This is true as well for similar tools of other big email providers.

The problem with these tools (and the filtering algorithms they report on) is that they completely ignore the use of email for one-to-one correspondence. Perhaps, if small senders get different reporting treatment, they should also get different filtering treatment?

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