Thank you all for your input. @Graeme, I'd join @John on this; if Microsoft can validate a domain DNS, they should make it mandatory to sign using the domain name and not some unverifiable * Nowadays even more when you want to have domain alignment with DMARC.
@Olivier, your input is interesting. I agree that an account can be compromised, but I'm more worried about ways to send an email on behalf of a domain without compromising the account, which isn't great. Cyril - ImprovMX Le mercredi 5 juin 2024 à 13:53, Gellner, Oliver via mailop <> a écrit : > On 05.06.2024 at 09:48 Cyril - ImprovMX via mailop wrote: > > > I got a few suspicious emails from a user. > > I wanted to check the DKIM Signature of that domain to validate the > > ownership but the emails are coming from Microsoft, which signs the email > > using "{domain name}" > > In my case, the sender is from and the d= part of the > > dkim-signature is > > > Now, I wonder. Can I trust Microsoft that if they send an email on behalf > > of, they initially validated the ownership or is there a > > way to bypass that? > > > There is some validation, but researchers have discovered various ways to > send emails on behalf of a domain without: > > > > Besides that Microsoft does not enforce MFA for email accounts, so a weak or > reused password of one user is all that it takes to send authenticated emails > from that domain. > > I'd closely check the headers whether anything looks suspicious. > > -- > BR Oliver > ________________________________ > > dmTECH GmbH > Am dm-Platz 1, 76227 Karlsruhe * Postfach 10 02 34, 76232 Karlsruhe > Telefon 0721 5592-2500 Telefax 0721 5592-2777 > * www.dmTECH.de > > GmbH: Sitz Karlsruhe, Registergericht Mannheim, HRB 104927 > Geschäftsführer: Christoph Werner, Martin Dallmeier, Roman Melcher > ________________________________ > Datenschutzrechtliche Informationen > Wenn Sie mit uns in Kontakt treten, beispielsweise wenn Sie an unser > ServiceCenter Fragen haben, bei uns einkaufen oder unser dialogicum in > Karlsruhe besuchen, mit uns in einer geschäftlichen Verbindung stehen oder > sich bei uns bewerben, verarbeiten wir personenbezogene Daten. Informationen > unter anderem zu den konkreten Datenverarbeitungen, Löschfristen, Ihren > Rechten sowie die Kontaktdaten unserer Datenschutzbeauftragten finden Sie > hier > > _______________________________________________ > mailop mailing list > > _______________________________________________ mailop mailing list