> > > They have SPF, but no DKIM (NXDOMAIN for the _domainkey.bsi.de)
> > > Or did I miss something?
> > 
> > The DKIM keys would be at <selector>._domainkey.bsi.de
> Yes, but as long as the parent of *any* selector does not exist, there
> is a very good chance, that not any selector exists.
> If the query for _domainkey.bsi.de would return a no-data answer, than
> I can assume that they have someing below that name (most probably
>     selectors I do not know until I get a mail from them.)

For NS I currently use the registrar. Its web-interface allowed me to create
the TXT record for a selector. The parent _domainkey - NXDOMAIN.

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