On Mon, 2023-02-27 at 21:38 -0700, Luke wrote:
> First, we send a lot of email; 9 billion messages on black friday
> alone. Each message generates an average of 8 events (deferrals,
> opens, clicks, spam reports, unsubscribes etc). Storage cost is a
> small part of the reason for minimizing MTA chatter. It's not a big
> enough factor for us to make irresponsible decisions in this area to
> save money, but it's a factor.

I don't know if they're separate systems, but nobody is complaining
about the missing marketing emails. It's the password resets, two-
factor auths, email verifications, etc. disappearing that get noticed.

> Second factor (and the main factor) is our customers. We send 32
> deferral events over the course of 72 hours to our customers' data
> warehouses for each message...So do we read the RFC to our customers
> and tell them to pound sand? Or do we take some time and see if we
> can help make their experience a little better *and* save us some
> money at the same time?

It sounds like what they're unhappy with is the mountain of unwanted
data, not the retries themselves. And these sound like marketing
complaints that are being used to make decisions for transactional

I know your transactional customers don't want this, because they call
me and ask why they're not getting the emails from their website. The
answer is that a lot of people aren't getting mail from your website,
and you're losing users because they can't complete the registration
process because SendGrid deletes the confirmation emails.
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