On 2023-02-28, Jaroslaw Rafa via mailop <mailop@mailop.org> wrote:
> Dnia 28.02.2023 o godz. 11:10:05 Julian Bradfield via mailop pisze:
>> Maybe worth pointing that people do greylisting, and with
>> greylisting it's helpful to retry quite soon. Immediately isn't
>> useful, but within five minutes is. (I personally have one-minute
>> greylisting set.)
> I do greylisting, and that's how I found out about the immediate retries. I
> run postgrey with default setting which is 5 minutes, and I often see in
> logs multiple retries within those 5 minutes, with first ones being really
> almost immediate (15-30 seconds). I have no other MXes, so I can't observe
> retries to other MXes, but I often see retries FROM different IP address
> than the original attempt, which count as new entries for greylisting, as
> greylisting works on triplet (client IP address, sender, recipient).

That too. Which is why I greylist not on individual addresses, but on
/24s (or on /48s for IPv6).

Of course there are still senders with larger mail farms, and
some with widely scattered mail farms, but there's only so much I can
be bothered to do ..
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