On 10/21/22 10:30 AM, Laura Atkins via mailop wrote:
I know a number of mailservers that are able to successfully send mail to t-online.de and have never contacted the tosa@ address.

I wonder if that hints at a thus-far un-discussed aspect of T-Online's policy.

There is every chance that T-Online did some sort of analysis of email traffic to identify likely legitimate senders and primed their white list with those domains / IPs. E.g. ratio of outgoing messages to domains / IPs verses spam complaints therefrom.

Similarly, I suspect that T-Online also primed their white list with the email oligarchies. -- If I can borrow / re-use what I consider to be an apt description.

After all, every single list has to start from something. Good lists organically grow (and shrink) over time as needed.

Grant. . . .
unix || die

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