Dnia 25.09.2021 o godz. 21:33:41 John Levine via mailop pisze:
> I believe you but I don't know how typical that is.  In the US, most
> land registries allow free online searches.  Property assesment info
> is also usually available.  I can download a PDF that shows the owner,
> assessed value, and tax bill of every property in my town.

I don't know for sure, but I think that in most countries these searches are
restricted in some way. For example, in my country, an average person can
access the info in land register only if they know the exact land register
record number - and that is information which is generally not publicly
available. You can basically know that number only from the property owner,
which requires some kind of previous contact with him/her. Only notaries,
bailiffs, court officials etc. are allowed to perform free searches in the
land register - and of course the information who performed the search, when
and for what is stored in system logs. There are a few "semi-legal" ;)
paid services that allow you to perform a search (using data that was
extracted from the registrar by unauthorized access to accounts of the
people who were allowed to perform searches - therefore I use the word
"semi-legal", because as they use illegally obtained data, they are in my
opinion in fact illegal - but nobody is actually punishing them and they
operate quite freely on the market), but you have to pay to view each result
returned, and the amount - compared to our prices and wages - is similar to
the one in Canada mentioned here.

And of course the data that is contained in the land register is itself
limited. You can the name and personal number (something like SSN in the
USA) of the owner (also past owners), date when the property was sold/bought
and some info about the mortgage (amount and bank name), if there is any -
and that's basically all.
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."
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