
> On Oct 5, 2020, at 4:37 PM, Jesse Thompson via mailop <> 
> wrote:
> On 9/25/20 11:26 AM, Jay Hennigan via mailop wrote:
>> Even before the phishing became overwhelming they were a significant source 
>> of spam, primarily "targeted" via purchased lists. For at least the past six 
>> months the phishing has been overwhelming. While they claim to be working on 
>> the problem the evidence shows otherwise.
> That's because, IMO, it's a fallacy to assume that compromised accounts are 
> mostly due to phishing.  Password reuse combined with automation by 
> credential stuffers is the main culprit.  
> Organizations need to diversify their focus a little away from inbound 
> threats and towards (1) multi-factor/higher-trust authentication and (2) 
> aggressively resetting passwords based on suspicious login activity.
> I would bet that Sendgrid knows this, but they are challenged with both, 
> given the type of users they deal with.

I’m not sure about SendGrid per say, but Twilio is mainly an API provider, so 
full OAUTH, private keys, et al, as I’m a customer of their SMS, phone service, 
et al.
As far as I know SendGrid is the same, but not saying that hacked websites, 
floating private keys, and the such are not common.  
We saw a huge amount of traffic when Mandrill first got bought out by 
MailChimp, but that was fixed pretty quickly from what I remember.  ( Good job  
on that one ;) )


Eric Tykwinski
TrueNet, Inc.
P: 610-429-8300

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