If you're asking about just IMAP / SMTP over SSL both these are supported by 

So if your users don't want to use the Notes client, that's just fine for most 
things (for example if their notes ID file needs to be renewed they can't do 
that with Thunderbird or Outlook).


On 23/09/20, 3:11 AM, "mailop on behalf of Daniele Nicolodi via mailop" 
<mailop-boun...@mailop.org on behalf of mailop@mailop.org> wrote:


    sorry for the loosely connected topic, but I don't know a better place
    where to ask. Is there a way or a third party tool that allows to
    somehow interoperate with an IBM Notes server, similarly to what Davmail
    http://davmail.sourceforge.net/ does for Exchange?

    Thank you.


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