> Do we hear a ESP actually recommending that all their email gets
> sent to a junk folder .. hehehe..

Way back when, I used to have Procmail rules that would simply forward
anything that was sent from Constant Contact back to their abuse@. They
would not show up in a mailbox of mine, either.

Don't shoot the newb, though. I'm pretty sure Ben Chestnut would not
have said that.

> But again, the best way for an email to support what you are
> suggesting, is if you are transparent in the MAIL FROM, so that
> 'Allow Sender I am subscribed to' would actually work in all cases

It's a non-starter for reasons I described earlier.

Atro Tossavainen, Chairman of the Board
Infinite Mho Oy, Helsinki, Finland
tel. +358-44-5000 600, http://www.infinitemho.fi/

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