On 2 Jun 2020, at 21:52, Oreva Akpolo via mailop <mailop@mailop.org> wrote:
> I'm Oreva, a Deliverability Engineer at Mailchimp. There currently isn't a 
> system to force double opt-in on recipients per email address. What we can 
> recommend is to set up filters or folders, so that you're only seeing mail 
> from users you've actively subscribed to in your inbox. 

Is this where we say “Oh, mate”?

The average email recipient can’t spell scalability, and they sure as hell 
don’t understand it. What they sometimes understand is “why is all this crap I 
never subscribed to in my Inbox?”.

Are you really suggesting, as a representative of MailChimp, that you expect 
recipients to manage unwieldy and ever-growing allow- and deny-lists?

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