Forwarding ... is GROSSLY insecure and causes far more problems than it solves.
Just grabbing the traffic from the original INBOX with IMAP or POP3 is a much 
more secure solution.

Michael J Wise
Microsoft Corporation| Spam Analysis
"Your Spam Specimen Has Been Processed."
Got the Junk Mail Reporting Tool ?

-----Original Message-----
From: mailop [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 11:23 AM
To: Michael Peddemors <>
Subject: Re: [mailop] SPF record

On Mon, 22 May 2017 10:59:21 -0700, Michael Peddemors said:
> Some have pointed out on the list the problem with 'forwarding', 
> however that is a forwarding problem, and not an SPF problem.

Forwarding has worked just fine for 30 or so years, if not longer. The 
"problem" only happens if you insist on attaching SPF to it.

If a car manufacturer had been making perfectly usable vehicles with perfectly 
functional windshield wipers for decades, and you discovered that the 
windshield wipers tend to malfunction when you attach other devices to the 
windshield, is that the fault of the windshield wipers, or the other devices?

> Since every email client out there can check multiple mailboxes, if 
> you want to properly take advantage of SPF as a recipient, don't do 
> email forwarding ;)

No, what you meant was:

If you want to properly take advantage of SPF as a recipient, ensure that no 
users at other sites set a forward to your mail system if their sysadmin has 
set an SPF record that will cause problems.

Which is, in general, obviously not achievable.

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