A reminder that this is not the correct forum to report spam. This is not even the correct forum to report that your previous complaints didn't work.

There are other forums (I assume, let me know what they are and we'll list them somewhere, or start your own) for this.

Personally I would like to know why Outlook for Android refused to work with my dovecot setup. However, after typing the servers and passwords details into it 15 times or so I gave up and switched to bluemail.

The Mailop admin not responsible for https certs

On Fri, 7 Apr 2017, Matt Gilbert wrote:
I’ve passed this along to our Compliance team so that they can shut down the account and revoke gallery access so that file will no longer be available.

For future reference – and the other members on this list – if you come across other cases like this, or any other cases of spam/abuse relating to MailChimp, you can send your messages to ab...@mailchimp.com. That mailbox is monitored and is the best method to use for these types of cases.

Matt Gilbert

- Deliverability Engineer - MailChimp
- delivery.mailchimp.com

On Apr 7, 2017, at 7:06 AM, Joao Gouveia <joao.gouv...@anubisnetworks.com> 

Similar to the previous one. Still live.

HTML link in email body to 

Zipfile "SR_PO_07042017.zip" (MD5: c4a118fdac98c9b6f3886a755033ac52)
        VT 3/59 

Contains PE32 executable "SR-PO-07042017.exe" (MD5: 
        VT 7/62 
Triggered Sandbox signatures for Nanocore
Network traffic to sroombobo.ddns[.]net:5050 (Not resolving)
Network traffic to troomc.ddns[.]net:5050 ( / AnMaXX RU)
Network traffic to sroom0.ddns[.]net ( / AnMaXX RU)

Malspam also beacons to wwl1733.daum[.]net:4280 (, ibi.net 
<http://ibi.net/> / KIDC KR) with sender, recipient, & Message-ID.

Relevant Headers:
        Received: from mail-smail-216.hanmail.net 
<http://mail-smail-216.hanmail.net/> (HELO mail-smail-216.hanmail.net 
<http://mail-smail-216.hanmail.net/>) ( with DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA 
encrypted SMTP; 7 Apr 2017 08:46:44 -0000
        Received: from mail-hmail-was9.s2.krane.9rum.cc 
<http://mail-hmail-was9.s2.krane.9rum.cc/> ([]) by 
mail-smail-216.hanmail.net <http://mail-smail-216.hanmail.net/> (8.13.8/8.9.1) with 
SMTP id v378kRek025992; Fri, 7 Apr 2017 17:46:27 +0900
        Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2017 17:46:17 +0900 (KST)
        From: FSA || Procurement Office <jibankor @ hanmail.net 
        To: rajeshkelly1156 <rajeshkelly1156 @ yahoo.com <http://yahoo.com/>>
        Subject: PO RT01 07/04/17
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Simon Lyall  |  Very Busy  |  Web: http://www.simonlyall.com/
"To stay awake all night adds a day to your life" - Stilgar
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