Didn't hit us very hard, but had a few clients affected. COI seems like
overkill to me here if all the other pieces are in place, which seems like
it would solve the list-bombing problem better. COI helps solve other
problems, and may also be worth doing, but may not be worth the cost.


On Wed, Oct 19, 2016 at 1:35 PM, Brett Schenker <bhschen...@gmail.com>

> We recently were tied up in the listbomb issue that's been plaguing folks
> for a while. For those that don't know what's going on,
> https://wordtothewise.com/2016/08/subscription-bombing-esps-spamhaus/
> I'm honestly surprised it's taken this long for us to wind up having a
> listing for a client.
> That being said, we're thinking through solutions and I wanted to get
> others opinions in how they've tackled the problem on their end.
> We're currently looking to implement a combination of preventions with the
> leading idea being:
> honeypot on sign up pages + IP intelligence + email address intelligence +
> coi
> The idea being the honeypot will stop some bots, the IP monitoring will
> look for numerous sign ups within a short periond of time (which we
> currently do for credit cards) and then also look for email addresses being
> signed up acorss clients in a short period of time.
> Have folks used this type of combo to stop fraudelent sign ups? And
> thoughts? Thanks!
> Brett
> --
> Brett Schenker
> Man of Many Things, Including
> 5B Consulting - http://www.5bconsulting.com
> Graphic Policy - http://www.graphicpolicy.com
> Twitter - http://twitter.com/bhschenker
> LinkedIn - http://www.linkedin.com/in/brettschenker
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