On Wed, Oct 19, 2016, at 13:27, Vick Khera wrote:
> 1) Is the remote IP listed in CBL? Yes -> force CAPTCHA
> 2) Is the remote IP listed in CleanTalk.org/blacklists?  Yes -> force
> 3) Is the remote IP listed in minFraud open proxies? Yes -> force CAPTCHA
> Then proceed with the normal signup form, which in our case is always
> COI for all customers. I do the tests in the above order, and short
> circuit once I have a positive match. Each of the three services
> catches about ⅓ of the bad actors, amazingly enough. I do the queries
> in the order of cost to me, so as to minimize how much I have to
> spend. :-)  I also cache the results.

A random thought, would it also be worth evaluating IPs that are not
listed on a DUL as potential candidates? I realize DULs contain server
space and other stuff that doesn't send mail, but it seems to me that
most legitimate subscribers should be in DULs.


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