Hi Dave

> Truthfully, forwarding complaints is a bit of a messy business as this
> could easily forward to the abuser themselves. But, this should at
> least be an option when filing a complaint, as should actually
> terminating the abusive customer.

I do know the problem. But I don't think it's a big issue in the
constellation we have here with cloudflare. They do provide proxy
services. Hopefully the content is hosted at a sensitive hoster that
does react to abuse complaints.

Of course some spamers have own AS numbers or PA Ranges with their
contact recorded. So if I would be working at cloudflare's abuse desk
and I would keep getting complaints about a customer for a prolonged
period of time. I would have a closer look in what the customer is
doing and if it's clear that the customer does not react to spam
complaints I would terminate that service.

Working at an ISP I know the problem. We also get the occasional
complaint about a customer sending 'newsletters'. In Switzerland the
case is quite clear. If the customer sending that newsletter can
provide a proof, that the recipient is an existing customer of his, or
has actively subscribed to that newsletter, then the complainer is
informed, that this was wrongfully reported as spam. Spamcopa as example
is known to have disabled 'reporting' accounts of users who repeatedly
reported emails not being spam.
Sometimes we also get the complainer and our customer to talk to each
other and find a solution for the issue in such cases.

If the customer cannot provide such a proof, or plainly addmits having
bought those email addresses on ebay or somewhere else, he is issued a
warning. If he continues, we will terminate his service as stated in
our policy.

Of course there are botnet. We don't get tired informing our customers
about infected machines and have to block customers regularly because
they don't manage to clean up their machines on the first (or secondy)
try. This all happens according the rules we have in our contracts
with the customers. 'to protect other internet users from harm an spam'
I think is the phrase we use.

I hope most other ISP also use such clauses in their contracts.

-BenoƮt Panizzon-
I m p r o W a r e   A G    -    Leiter Commerce Kunden

Zurlindenstrasse 29             Tel  +41 61 826 93 00
CH-4133 Pratteln                Fax  +41 61 826 93 01
Schweiz                         Web  http://www.imp.ch

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