> I wonder if anyone has done an actual analysis of what people are
> thinking when they do this. Is it an accident? Is it not understanding
> what the "Report spam" button means or is for? Impatience and a just
> "get these emails out of my sight" type mentality? Just general
> confusion?

Or just simple errors? I personally made such an error a couple of days ago 
(slightly different setup, but still similar enough): Scanning through a spam 
folder for false positives, marking true spam in bulk with the intent to remove 
them. Instead of „Really Delete“, I click on „Not Spam“, and *poosh* I have 
~150 spams in my Inbox. 

I sincerely hope that the spam filter does not learn from my „not spam“ actions…

What this should show: Even people who should know what they are doing make the 
occasional mistake. Multiply by a couple of 100k users - and you realize that 
maybe you should only use a log function of user input to finetune your filters.

— Matthias

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