Dear Paul,

Glad that this was helpful, as was your communication to the group. Dialog like 
this extends the feature set by user interaction.


Henry Seiden
- -
Techworks Pro Co.
E: info<at>techworkspro<dot>com

On 10 Jan 2025, at 10:50, Paul MASSENDARI wrote:

> Dear Henry,
> Thank you very much for your quick answer. I was not aware of this 
> possibility of styling from the menu and this lead me to read in the updated 
> doc that this feature has been removed.
> I was sad at first that this feature has been removed but thanks to you I now 
> found out that one can now mimic the same behavior by creating a rule with a 
> smart mailbox for every email with the tag « Done » and then to apply color 
> to this very mailbox.
> It is very convenient in my opinion to have all the emails that requires no 
> more attention from me to be colored in green (and the urgent emails in red)
> Many thanks and all best wishes,
> Paul
> On 10 Jan 2025, at 15:46, Henry Seiden wrote:
>> Paul,
>> I use the menus instead of editing the respective plist to color the Sources 
>> (NB, the coloring done that way only applies the the single source folder). 
>> If the coloring is done in the Styles will it apply to all submailboxes?
>> It works quite well my way for my purposes, but was a lot more work perhaps 
>> than your way. so I have colored settings for certain sub mailboxes 
>> (Archive, Sent) per Account to specific colors as well.
>> Whichever way you do it, remember to save the .plist settings made to be 
>> used for migrations to other CPU’s. I do that on a regular basis and utilize 
>> that (from my iCloud Storage)whenever changing to a new CPU.
>> Respectfully,
>> Henry Seiden
>> - -
>> Techworks Pro Co.
>> E: info<at>techworkspro<dot>com
>> W:
>> On 10 Jan 2025, at 9:21, Paul MASSENDARI wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I used to apply custom styling to my message list by editing Style.plist 
>>> `~/Library/Application\ Support/MailMate/Styles.plist` where I used to 
>>> apply styling to my messages as below (basically it colors the message in 
>>> green if the message is tagged with the tag DONE etc.)
>>> ```
>>> {   styles = (
>>>         {   type = keyword;
>>>             keyword = 'Done';
>>>             color = "#17bf17";
>>>             fontStyle = "bold";
>>>         },
>>>         {   type = keyword;
>>>             keyword = 'RemindMe';
>>>             color = "#e8d105";
>>>             fontStyle = "bold";
>>>         },
>>>         {   type = keyword;
>>>             keyword = 'Important';
>>>             color = "#cc2e0e";
>>>             fontStyle = "bold";
>>>         }
>>>     );
>>> }
>>> ```
>>> But it seems like it does not work anymore since MailMate 2.0+
>>> Does anyone here encountered the same issue ?
>>> Many thanks in advance and all best wishes,
>>> Paul
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