Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote (at 2:11 PM on Sunday, December 22, 2024):

> On 22 Dec 2024, at 21:54, Randall Gellens wrote:
>> Is the "Support Mode" button intended to display the current mode (trial, 
>> support, or free) without being clicked, or is it intended to display a 
>> generic term that means the user can click it to learn the current mode?
> The former.
>> If the former, you might want to consider renaming "support mode" to 
>> "Supporter Mode" or "Subscriber Mode" to more clearly indicate that it is 
>> the mode when the user is a supporter/subscriber.
> As you might have guessed I'm not a native English speaker. I think I felt 
> “Support Mode” worked better with the other modes (Free Mode and Trial Mode), 
> but I get your point. I'll give it some thought.
>> If the latter, perhaps consider naming it "License Mode" or something 
>> similar.

I find the bright blue button a bit distracting, especially since there's no 
action to be taken until the license period expires. A button saying "Support 
Mode" seems to indicate that clicking it will enter "Support Mode," whatever 
that is (and as Randall notes, its meaning is not clear to those who don't 

I would recommend removing the interface item entirely (if practical) for 
licensed users, or at least removing the blue button and simply replacing it 
with the word "Licensed" in the same font and color as the window's title bar.
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