On 22 Dec 2024, at 21:54, Randall Gellens wrote:

> Is the "Support Mode" button intended to display the current mode (trial, 
> support, or free) without being clicked, or is it intended to display a 
> generic term that means the user can click it to learn the current mode?

The former.

> If the former, you might want to consider renaming "support mode" to 
> "Supporter Mode" or "Subscriber Mode" to more clearly indicate that it is the 
> mode when the user is a supporter/subscriber.

As you might have guessed I'm not a native English speaker. I think I felt 
“Support Mode” worked better with the other modes (Free Mode and Trial Mode), 
but I get your point. I'll give it some thought.

> If the latter, perhaps consider naming it "License Mode" or something similar.

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