Dear all, thank you for your suggestions. After various trials and
errors (and readings), it appears I may able to use the iCloud account,
with 2 caveats :
1) based on the link provided by Henry, this can only be used with Mail,
Safari and Apple Pay (but not third party apps). As Mailmate is not
specifically discussed, it may be worth trying (with a more recent
version of Mailmate with the SMTP picker, as indicated by Bill (I
currently use 5964)).
2) this only works with the email address attached to my iCloud account.
I have a second account (that would more specifically need masked
addresses), where this strategy would not work, if I understood
I am left with a series of commercial apps (Firefox Relay,,
SimpleLogin, Polycred,…) the free versions of which do not allow to
send emails from the masked address (but the paid versions that allow
this cost 1-2$/month, so maybe I’ll try these).
PS : Henry, you write “ I have a masked sending account” : what is
On 7 Dec 2024, at 22:10, wrote:
On 8 Dec 2024, at 5:50, aisrael wrote:
I am trying to use iCloud-based masked email addresses to hide my
actual email address when “talking” to some web services : I have
2 questions : 1) how can I send mails from this new address using
Mailmate (the From item seems to be limited to the address of my 2
accounts) 2) (not Mailmate-related) can I use this strategy to
replace an email address which is different from the email address
registered to my Apple account?
I believe it is much easier than you are making it.
You simply reply to the mail using your iCloud account. It figures
keeps track of your alias addresses and it rewrites the email headers
to ensure that the correct alias is used in the "from" header. The web
service or person at the other end never gets to see your iCloud email
address. They always see the masked alias.
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