Here’s another way to think about email rules:

When I think about email rules in general, I usually think about rules that are made on the email server itself, usually through a webmail interface, rather than on the client. Server rules can work on all of your clients attached to the server, therefore only one set of rules is needed. Every client gets the benefit of those rules and you only have to write them once.

This all depends on the power of your rules engine on your email provider. Shameless plug for Fastmail; they have a wonderful rules system. Exchange/Outlook has a pretty good rules system, though it’s multi-step.
Steven Taylor

On 14 Oct 2024, at 12:01, James Coffey wrote:

Thanks. Since I messed up the files I’m jut going to start fresh. Probably not a bad Idea once I figure out why rules don’t work.

On 14 Oct 2024, at 13:18, Henry Seiden wrote:


In the instructions, it states that you should close the MailMate application before installing the settings! The version should not matter, but to be sure, use a fresh version.

Try it again. Recommend you start from a fresh install of MailMate (what version are you using, anyway?), then install the setting from your previous version only after shutting down MailMate completely.


Henry Seiden
- -
Techworks Pro Co.
E: info<at>techworkspro<dot>com

On 14 Oct 2024, at 13:08, James Coffey wrote:


When I moved (my mistake, I should have copied) the settings MM nuked them on restart.

Now I can’t seem to get rules to work and am not sure what I am doing wrong or if it is a bug.

On 14 Oct 2024, at 12:18, Henry Seiden wrote:


Oh well, I thought to suggest the most obvious. May I ask what M-M version you are upgraded to?

I had trouble using my rules using EXPERIMENTAL v6065 (latest archive). Benny had said he was aware of the issue and to wait for 6066. No word in a month so I went to a version which worked for me, found by happenstance. It’s shown below. Been on it ever since. So you may want to consider that in your situation.


Henry Seiden
- -
Techworks Pro Co.
E: info<at>techworkspro<dot>com

My system: MailMate/6048/282BCB28-893E-51E7-891E-F3272BC540D1 15.0.1/arm64/MacBookPro18,3/10

On 14 Oct 2024, at 10:16, James Coffey wrote:

Is there a way to retrieve settings after a fresh instal? I had to roll back and would like to reuse the previous long set of rules and smart mailboxes built up over the years. I apologize if this is a dupe as for some reason I do not get the mailing list posts at times.
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