
Roger your last.

Trying with that since it is stated in Release Notes.

Yep it works. You have to be in the Rules Tab in the appropriate window for it to apply either a copy or a paste respectively.

And yes, a bit easier for copy/paste vs. Export/Import, especially if there is screen real estate to have the two windows open simultaneously. I suppose you could copy a number of Rules that way, but it’s important to note that the other tabs Mailboxes, Conditions (not part of the Rule), dynamically associated Sub-Mailboxes, are NOT part of the cut and paste process. Only Rules.

May I recommend that this be further detailed in the Instruction Manual (if not in the Help>MailMate Help.

Thanks again for the feature. MailMate still is the deepest, customizable email app ever, IMO.


Henry Seiden
- -
Techworks Pro Co.
E: info<at>techworkspro<dot>com

On 28 Aug 2024, at 10:48, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

But I think copy/paste is easier to do. Again, copy (⌘C) in the list of rules and then paste to insert.
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