Thanks Bill, I will modify the mailboxes that MM will look at.

On 28 Jan 2024, at 16:43, Bill Cole wrote:

On 2024-01-28 at 05:50:40 UTC-0500 (Sun, 28 Jan 2024 11:50:40 +0100)
aisrael <>
is rumored to have said:

Bill, just one question : when you write *at headers in a mailbox of your selection (by default: ‘Recipient" headers of the Sent aggregate mailbox.*), does it mean the messages that actually sit in the Sent mailbox, or all messages which have actually been sent?

It looks at the headers of exactly one mailbox.

The reason I am asking is that my sent messages don’t stay in the Sent mailbox

Then, assuming that you haven't switched MM to look elsewhere, MM won't see them.

(which is almost empty), as I distribute them in the relevant mailboxes (and I don’t .cc myself when I send a message, as it unnecessarily duplicates emails).


On 27 Jan 2024, at 19:14, Bill Cole wrote:

On 2024-01-27 at 12:59:19 UTC-0500 (Sat, 27 Jan 2024 09:59:19 -0800)
Jo <>
is rumored to have said:

I don't know if this is a mailmate problem or a general mac problem, but lately when I start typing an address/contact name in the 'to' field, the lag time is ridiculous before it fills out the whole address. I don't remember it being like this previously, and I haven't added a bunch of emails to my contacts or anything. Is there a cache to clear somewhere/somehow or something??

MM looks (optionally) at your macOS contacts and at headers in a mailbox of your selection (by default: "Recipient" headers of the Sent aggregate mailbox.) It could be very slow if you have a very large address book OR if you have MM configured to use a very large reference mailbox. A tactic I use to control the huge number of items MM needs to pick from is that I created a smart mailbox that is just Sent items less than 2 years old, and I set MM (in Preferences->Composer) to reference that mailbox instead of my 30-year Sent mailbox.

Bill Cole or
(AKA @grumpybozo and many * addresses)
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