Bill, just one question : when you write *at headers in a mailbox of your selection (by default: ‘Recipient" headers of the Sent aggregate mailbox.*), does it mean the messages that actually sit in the Sent mailbox, or all messages which have actually been sent? The reason I am asking is that my sent messages don’t stay in the Sent mailbox (which is almost empty), as I distribute them in the relevant mailboxes (and I don’t .cc myself when I send a message, as it unnecessarily duplicates emails).


On 27 Jan 2024, at 19:14, Bill Cole wrote:

On 2024-01-27 at 12:59:19 UTC-0500 (Sat, 27 Jan 2024 09:59:19 -0800)
Jo <>
is rumored to have said:

I don't know if this is a mailmate problem or a general mac problem, but lately when I start typing an address/contact name in the 'to' field, the lag time is ridiculous before it fills out the whole address. I don't remember it being like this previously, and I haven't added a bunch of emails to my contacts or anything. Is there a cache to clear somewhere/somehow or something??

MM looks (optionally) at your macOS contacts and at headers in a mailbox of your selection (by default: "Recipient" headers of the Sent aggregate mailbox.) It could be very slow if you have a very large address book OR if you have MM configured to use a very large reference mailbox. A tactic I use to control the huge number of items MM needs to pick from is that I created a smart mailbox that is just Sent items less than 2 years old, and I set MM (in Preferences->Composer) to reference that mailbox instead of my 30-year Sent mailbox.

Bill Cole or
(AKA @grumpybozo and many * addresses)
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