Sorry all I can say it is working fine for me with MM 5964 and ProtonBridge 3.6.1

May I ask where you got build 6113 ??

Best regards

On 23 Nov 2023, at 20:01, Tóth András wrote:

Anyone can help me please?


2023. 11. 23. 12:30 keltezéssel, Tóth András írta:
Dear MailMate Community!

I have a synchronisation problem between MailMate v1.14 (6113) and Protonmail bridge (using the taltest build): when i’m deleting an e-mail in MailMate the messaage moved to trash (in MM), but in my Protonmail mobile app i still see the deleted e-mail. Fun fact: if i delete a message in Thunderbird, this mail already disappear from the official Protonmail.

This is a MailMate bug?
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