I am actually in southwest Nova Scotia, so a bit farther away, although at the 
scale of North America as a whole, we are indeed “neighbours”. We haven’t had 
any flooding here, but I am sorry to hear about the devastation in your area. 
With global warming accelerating, I am afraid we are in for very turbulent 
times indeed.

My poor Betalogue site has been neglected for years. With the slo-mo collapse 
of Twitter, I’ve moved my tech observations to Mastodon 
(@betalogue@toot.community), but I still hope to go back to real blogging some 
day, which will first involve revamping my old (very dated) web site. Life, 
work and all that have meant that I haven’t had much time for this in recent 

GUI scripting is indeed a rather frustrating process, but I find that Keyboard 
Maestro is an excellent alternative in many situations. I have tons of macros 
designed to “fix” the UI flaws and deficiencies of many apps. Even MailMate, 
which is mostly an excellent and well-behaved Mac app, can use some KM-assisted 
lubrification at times.

Glad I could help.


On 15 Jul 2023, at 17:07, Erik Mueller-Harder wrote:

> Hello, Pierre --
> I appreciate your Betalogue: I've read it vis RSS for years!  And we're 
> neighbors: I'm about 50km south of Quebec in Vermont.  I hope you survived 
> the recent flooding unscathed.
> [Though our house and property were largely spared, our town and the 
> surrounding towns and small cities were devastated.  Though the state has 
> qualified for federal disaster relief and though FEMA funds will begin 
> trickling in before too long, neither of these helps the small businesses, 
> which were just beginning to recover from COVID lockdowns and from flooding 
> about ten years ago; they're the lifeblood of these small towns, and they're 
> in a Very Bad Way. 😢]
> Thank you *so much* for your KM macro.  I use Keyboard Maestro all the time, 
> but I've avoided GUI scripting for so long that I'd almost forgotten you 
> could do this sort of thing!  I will very happily tailor your script for my 
> MM forgetful-column needs.  Hooray!
> -- Erik
> ------
> **2023-07-15 14:26 | [Pierre Igot](mailto:mailm...@latext.com)**:
>> Hi,
>> For what it’s worth, I too find it annoying that MailMate cannot properly 
>> remember my columns — in my case, my column widths for the combined Inbox in 
>> widescreen layout — and I do hope that Benny eventually finds a way to fix 
>> this, but in the meantime, I have a Keyboard Maestro macro command that 
>> readjusts my column widths after relaunch (i.e. when they are forgotten most 
>> of the time, although strangely, not 100% of the time).
>> The macro works for MY preferred column layout in the message list, within 
>> the widescreen layout for the mail viewer window. It makes the Source 
>> Account column narrower and the Subject column wider (which pushes all 
>> remaining columns farther to the right). That’s basically all that’s needed 
>> in my case. Obviously, depending on which columns you have and what you 
>> prefer, your steps and values will vary.
>> The macro also assumes that my width for the message pane on the right 
>> remains the same, which in my experience it does when quitting and 
>> relaunching MM. (The X values need to be adjusted if the width of the 
>> message pane on the right changes.) As a first step, the macro makes sure 
>> that the whole window has my preferred size (2885 x 1560), but I find that 
>> this too tends not to be forgotten by MM, so that step is not really 
>> necessary.
>> I’m sharing this just in case it’s useful (with adaptations) for anyone 
>> else… It’s better than nothing, like I said, in the meantime.
>> Keyboard Maestro is a great tool to “fix” software when the software maker 
>> is unwilling or unable to do so, for whatever reason. KM obviously cannot 
>> help for everything, but in this case it doesn’t do a bad job of automating 
>> something that is tedious and challenging to have to do right manually every 
>> time.
>> Pierre
>> https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/yt1ypwwtlewuulbsqzix2/macro.jpg?rlkey=jfd3zrljdag0xzn1eq6253eho&dl=0
>> Adjust Inbox Columns
>> Triggered by any of the following:
>> The Status Menu is selected
>> Will execute the following actions:
>> If All Conditions Met
>> Front window title contains “Inbox”
>> Execute the Following Actions:
>> Resize Front Window to Pixels
>> In MailMate
>> To: 2885 horizontally, 1560 vertically.
>> Move and Click and Drag
>> At (1684,500) from the top left corner of the front window.
>> And drag absolute (WINDOW(0,Right)-1305,815).
>> Move and Click and Drag
>> At (1362,85) from the top left corner of the front window.
>> And drag relative (-150,0).
>> Move and Click and Drag
>> At (913,85) from the top left corner of the front window.
>> And drag relative (300,0).
>> Otherwise, Execute the Following Actions:
>> Display Text Briefly
>> Bring main window to front
>> On 15 Jul 2023, at 4:24, Alexandre Takacs wrote:
>>> One can wish… One of my major per peeve for the past 3 years or so :/
>>>> Somehow, I’d hoped that the massive rewrite would’ve solved the Forgetful 
>>>> Columns problem, but I guess not.

LATEXT: Literature, music and visuals / Littérature, musique et graphisme - 
BETALOGUE: Blog - www.betalogue.com | Twitter: @betalogue | Mastodon: 
FAUX AMIS : Site sur les faux amis anglais-français - www.fauxamis.fr | 
Twitter: @Pierre_Igot
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