I first reported something similar (perhaps the same issue) back in mid-August. Regardless of all other config, my system plays the Basso sound exactly 5s after a message is received.

I did not receive any feedback nor have I found a resolution…

- - -

On 27 Sep 2022, at 14:23, Mark Chapman wrote:

Did anyone figure this out. I too have everything turned off but Mailmate keeps making a sound when a new message arrives.


I have sought peace in all, and found it nowhere but in a corner with a book
    - Thomas a Kempis

On 12 Aug 2022, at 16:02, mailmate-requ...@lists.freron.com wrote:

Date: Fri, 12 Aug 2022 19:12:26 +0000
From: Antonio Leding <t...@leding.net>
To: MailMate Users <mailmate@lists.freron.com>
Subject: Re: [MlMt] Mail alert sound issue - v5895 on Monterey

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"

One thing I meant to add is that the Basso 5s after mail arrival occurs
even when sounds are disabled for MailMate as follows:

* Notifications are disabled in `System Preferences` —> `Notifications
& Focus` —> `MailMate`

* None is selected in `Preferences` —> `Counters` —> `Sound`.

- - -

On 12 Aug 2022, at 11:32, Antonio Leding wrote:

Hi Benny - thanks for the info.  That fixed one issue but there
appears to be a secondary issue only occurring with MM.

Each time a message is received, the Basso sound plays 5s after the
message arrives.

Any chance this is a bug in MM?

- - -

On 12 Aug 2022, at 7:44, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 12 Aug 2022, at 1:04, Antonio Leding wrote:

Is anyone having an issue with the EM arrival alert sound not
playing properly with v5895 on Monterey?  I initially thought this
was system wide problem but my sound alerts work fine elsewhere so I
think this is a MM issue…

Sounds now require notifications to allow sounds. Check your System
Preferences ▸ Notifications for MailMate.
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