On 16 Mar 2022, at 20:00, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

> On 16 Mar 2022, at 17:42, Raza Rizvi wrote:
>> One minute I am working away in MailMate when it crashes.
>> I restarted it and the dock icon shows the message count but no further 
>> windows.
> That sounds very strange, but maybe easier to debug by direct email. Write me 
> via “Help > Send Feedback” (if that works).
> You can also see if the most recent test release works any better: 
> [MailMate_r5876.tbz](https://updates.mailmate-app.com/archives/MailMate_r5876.tbz)
>> The console log shows a batch of "UNIX error exception: 17" and some 
>> "CSSMERR_DL_DATASTORE_DOESNOT_EXIST" messages against MailMate, and previous 
>> conversations indicate that the latter message can appear for Keychain 
>> Access held items but I can see nothing obvious incorrect or duplicated or 
>> missing.
> I *think* it should be more along the lines of an entire keychain being 
> broken/missing.

Apologies for the delay, I was travelling. I was not able to upgrade from the 
broken client (that menu option was not available, nor was Help > Send 

But I upgraded using the link you provided to go to r5867 and it immediately 
came back to life, so super thanks to you!

Previously I was on r5848, I should have said this in my original email.

If you want any crash logs etc feel free to ask, but as it is fixed with a 
later release there probably isn’t anything beneficial from that I guess.

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