On 16 Mar 2022, at 17:42, Raza Rizvi wrote:
One minute I am working away in MailMate when it crashes.
I restarted it and the dock icon shows the message count but no
further windows.
That sounds very strange, but maybe easier to debug by direct email.
Write me via “Help > Send Feedback” (if that works).
You can also see if the most recent test release works any better:
The console log shows a batch of "UNIX error exception: 17" and some
"CSSMERR_DL_DATASTORE_DOESNOT_EXIST" messages against MailMate, and
previous conversations indicate that the latter message can appear for
Keychain Access held items but I can see nothing obvious incorrect or
duplicated or missing.
I *think* it should be more along the lines of an entire keychain being
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