On 29 Sep 2020, at 14:17, Raza Rizvi wrote:

>>> 3. I have MmDeleteBehavior -string "markAsDeleted" but is there an Expunge 
>>> on disconnect option somewhere? I do it manually using the Experimental 2.0 
>>> prefs checkbox notes.
>> No, but I think this one works (which might be what you actually want):
>>      defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmAutomaticExpungeBehavior -string 
>> "mailboxSwitch"
> No, that is way too eager. It deletes messages from Mailbox 1 as you look at 
> Mailbox 2. My (low priority) request was for something that did an Expunge on 
> (clean) exit of the application.

Ok, that would be tricky since it would require MailMate to reconnect to all 
mailboxes with deleted messages on exit. It also seems a bit strange (to me) to 
require closing MailMate to expunge messages, but I usually never quit 
applications unless I have to.

A “naive” implementation would prepare all the emails for deletion on exit, but 
in practice it would (mostly) happen when MailMate was launched...

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