3. I have MmDeleteBehavior -string "markAsDeleted" but is there an Expunge on disconnect option somewhere? I do it manually using the Experimental 2.0 prefs checkbox notes.

No, but I think this one works (which might be what you actually want):

defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmAutomaticExpungeBehavior -string "mailboxSwitch"

No, that is way too eager. It deletes messages from Mailbox 1 as you look at Mailbox 2. My (low priority) request was for something that did an Expunge on (clean) exit of the application.

MmAutomaticExpungeBehavior is also not documented on https://manual.mailmate-app.com/hidden_preferences.html

4. Can you specify just an SMTP server with its own AUTH values (the use case is when I send mails from a particular address, which is itself a role address - support@ - , that I want to go through a certain mail server so DKIM/SPF requirements are met)?

MailMate isn't very flexible when it comes to SMTP, but you can try this:

        defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmSMTPAlternativeEnabled -bool YES

It should enable an extra popup in the Composer window, but right now I cannot recall how well it actually works. There's no way (in the GUI) to add an SMTP account which is not part of an IMAP account, but I *think* it's possible to add it manually to this file:

/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Submission.plist

Only edit that while MailMate is not running. I'm not promising that any of this will work, but now you know :)

It does work, well sort of, as you described.

defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmSMTPAlternativeEnabled -bool YES
is brilliant.

If you have manually edited Submission.plist is shows the new entry as “Unknown” so I went back to the IMAP account definition menu item and realised that actually if you enter the values for the (Description/Full Name/Email addresses) then skip the middle section which is the IMAP definitions, and add your entries for the lower SMTP section, then it will work. It is also smart enough to realise if you have already entered the info into Submission.plist so you don’t get a duplicate entry.

I have tested this and it works very well. I can now say for example

Apparently From Address 1 using SMTP server 4
or whatever

5. Sometimes when I print I get a sheet with just the normal mail headers but no body content

I'm currently working on a new message view which also changes how printing works. If you can reproduce this after updating to the latest test release (I can see you are close) then, if possible, send me an example using “Help ▸ Send Feedback”. Just drag the example into the email.

I believe I found the particular message in my mailbox (sent by a Gmail using colleague) which looks normal on the screen, and now it also looks normal in the print preview (rather than just showing the mail header info) and prints correctly (rather than just printing the mail header info).

This is on v5721.

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