Yes, Thank you Billy and Glenn. I corrected the common error of not
scrolling the code text to see the whole line. I’ve entered the
command (no errors this time!) and created the Styles.plist folder.
I’m not sure of what I need to enter in the folder for what I want to
I want to color the text (and if possible, the background of that text)
of the 1 email line in any mailbox. Not based on criteria other than
that I’ve flagged the email. Bold text would also be nice.
From this sample:
I’m having trouble creating the Styles.plist file. I’ve used the
Terminal vim command to get vi running and I paste this (see below) into
the file and exit, succeeding in crating the file but (again!) I get the
error message from Terminal that it doesn’t have the proper format.
The example doesn’t include correct headers (<plist>, </plist>, etc.)
and who knows what else that anyone doing this *should* know. (c;
This is what I *think* needs to be the core of the Styles.plist file to
do what I want (of course, correct me if I’m wrong):
{ styles = (
{ type = keyword;
keyword = '\\Flagged';
color = "#00FF00"; // choosing my own color, of course
fontStyle = "bold";
On 22 Aug 2020, at 12:04, Glenn Parker wrote:
Billy is correct. The command you used was missing the “-bool YES”
at the end. You can cut and paste the correct command directly from
the MailMate Help window.
Glenn P. Parker
On 22 Aug 2020, at 14:32, Billy Youdelman wrote:
On 22 Aug 2020, at 11:21, Dave C wrote:
I read the “Colored messages” section in Hidden Preferences. It
begins with enabling this feature by this command:
defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmMessageColorsEnabled
I think you will need to do this (can't test it right now, though)..
defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmMessageColorsEnabled -bool
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