And a hint: if you're reading the Styles.plist from the screen and typing
it, pay careful attention to parentheses versus braces and commas
versus semicolons. Ask me how I know…

On 22 Aug 2020, at 14:21, Dave C wrote:

No luck.

I read the “Colored messages” section in Hidden Preferences. It begins with enabling this feature by this command:

     defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmMessageColorsEnabled

Copying and pasting that in Terminal results in:

     Rep argument is not a dictionary

I’m not smart enough with Terminal to know what this means nor what to do next.

MailMate 1.12.4
MacOS Sierra 10.12.6

On 22 Aug 2020, at 8:44, Glenn Parker wrote:

You can tweak the color of the text for messages that are “flagged” so they stand out clearly. There are instructions in the “Hidden Preferences” section on how to go about this by adding the file, ~/Library/Application\ Support/MailMate/Styles.plist and enabling MmMessageColorsEnabled using the command-line.

On 22 Aug 2020, at 0:23, Dave C wrote:

Will MM allow the highlighting (by coloring the background or text) of an entry in a mailbox? This is the one-line entry for each email in a mailbox.

I know of the “flag” I can add to an email, but I’m looking for something more substantial.
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