I know that format=flowed has come up several times on the list in the
past, but I’m continuing to experience issues related to it because
all of my colleagues use Outlook (for Mac), which does not support
The result is that my emails to them display with unwanted line breaks
when the width of their Outlook window is less than the width of my
email lines. And also, when I get responses from them to my emails,
Mailmate displays my portions of the emails (i.e., the replied-to text)
with the same issue, because Outlook seems to treat my email as having
hard-coded line lengths and then sends it back to me without
I know that at one point, someone asked for the ability to disable
format=flowed. I know that Thunderbird allows that, although I don’t
have an informed view on whether that’s the right approach. Are there
other ways of addressing it?
My understanding is that Gmail also does not support format=flowed. The
result is that a huge chunk of email traffic doesn’t support what (I
think?) was once the standard. It would be great if Mailmate were able
to play more nicely with those standards-ignoring email clients, but
again, I don’t know enough about the question to have an informed
All I really want is for my emails to show up in my recipients’
inboxes as I intended them to, but that isn’t always happening.
Thanks for any suggestions or thoughts!
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