Your file is very different from mine. Are you using the 1.x series of
MM or the 2.x beta version? I’m using the 2.x beta and suspect
that’s the reason for so many differences throughout the file.
On 24 Apr 2019, at 13:03, Zvi Biener wrote:
I've attached a copy of headersFormatting.plist, which controls the
headers display. I'm sure it is an awful hack (I'm not a programmer).
But it does display the source mailbox (as "Folder"), as long as your
select View->Headers->list. You can emulate that part of the code.
On 24 Apr 2019, at 12:36, Michael Nietzold wrote:
Since i Like to have the "source mailbox" as row in the header
section of a message:
To combine both ideas it would be nice to have a generic setting for
additional header rows where a user can add one or more rows with
meta data from the message (or some of the possible calculations)
Von meinem iDingens gesendet...
Am 24.04.2019 um 17:30 schrieb Verdon Vaillancourt
On 24 Apr 2019, at 11:23, Randall Gellens wrote:
On 24 Apr 2019, at 7:49, Verdon Vaillancourt wrote:
Related to this, but not concerning attachments…
Is there a low-level way to hack what is displayed in the header
area of a message view? Specifically, the company I work for uses
gmail corporate, and a lot of ‘delegation’ access to special
accounts. In other words, I can login to my account and have
access to send and receive on behalf of some generic accounts like
support@ and info@ and so on. People using the gmail browser
client can see what delegate was sending on behalf of that
account. I of course cannot see that in MailMate. The delegate
information is an extra field in the message’s header.
You want to add a specific header field to the set that is shown in
a message view? That seems very useful. I don't see an easy way
to do that. Perhaps someone else on the list can answer. (It
might be possible to edit the MmMessagesWebView/stylesheet.css, as
mentioned in, but I
don't know and have never done it).
The View -> Show Raw Message command will show all header fields,
but likely this isn't what you want.
Thank you for the reference to the customization page. I’d
forgotten that and will look there. Your understanding of the
scenario is exactly right. Also thanks for changing the subject of
the message. I should know better ;-)
— Verdon
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