On 24 Apr 2019, at 7:49, Verdon Vaillancourt wrote:
Related to this, but not concerning attachments…
Is there a low-level way to hack what is displayed in the header area
of a message view? Specifically, the company I work for uses gmail
corporate, and a lot of ‘delegation’ access to special accounts.
In other words, I can login to my account and have access to send and
receive on behalf of some generic accounts like support@ and info@ and
so on. People using the gmail browser client can see what delegate was
sending on behalf of that account. I of course cannot see that in
MailMate. The delegate information is an extra field in the
message’s header.
You want to add a specific header field to the set that is shown in a
message view? That seems very useful. I don't see an easy way to do
that. Perhaps someone else on the list can answer. (It might be
possible to edit the MmMessagesWebView/stylesheet.css, as mentioned in
https://manual.mailmate-app.com/customization, but I don't know and have
never done it).
The View -> Show Raw Message command will show all header fields, but
likely this isn't what you want.
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