On 2 Mar 2019, at 7:31, Robert Brenstein wrote:
On 22 Feb 2019, at 21:35, Michael Nietzold wrote:
I’d like to have such a double counter on some of my mailboxes.
However, I would suggest to simply add a few more choices to the
Displayed Count selector menu. We now have:
- inherit
- no count
- all
- unread
- flagged
- unreplied
- recent
Recent was deemed useless lately, so it can be dropped and the
following added:
- unread/all
- flagged/all
- flagged/unread
The concept of "recent messages" is extremely useful; it's "Recent"
meaning IMAP server's RECENT count as sent upon SELECT that is useless
as it doesn't match to anything users are about. If MailMate's "Recent"
meant something else, such as "unread messages that arrived in the past
x days" then it would be extremely useful, as it would indicate
mailboxes with recent activity that the user might care about.
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