On 22 Feb 2019, at 21:35, Michael Nietzold wrote:
- mailbox folders on left side in treeview
what i see:
- i see one counter with unread messages
what i expect:
- i like to have a "{unread} / {all}" counter like " 2 / 200 "
i can setup in the "display counter" context menu:
- i can select a second counter
- i have a checkbox "[x] add an All counter"
I’d like to have such a double counter on some of my mailboxes.
However, I would suggest to simply add a few more choices to the
Displayed Count selector menu. We now have:
- inherit
- no count
- all
- unread
- flagged
- unreplied
- recent
Recent was deemed useless lately, so it can be dropped and the following
- unread/all
- flagged/all
- flagged/unread
I think these are the only practical combinations, probably the first
one mostly used.
Is there a ticket with this suggestion?
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